para ha lar for una mujer joven, puedes year la palabra


Answer 1

Answer:girl what

Explanation:is this a question or r u justsaying something im so confused

Related Questions

Need help with corrections, teacher is giving me a hard time :(
Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative or negative command, depending on if no is present. If no is present in the example, make the command negative. If there is not a no in the example, please form the command in the affirmative.
11. no dormir ("o" to "ue" stem change) tarde (late): No te duermas.
teachers message: this is not a reflexive verb. add tarde after the verb.
13. ponerse la ropa: Ponte la ropa.
teachers message: put the accent mark on verb that must be added when adding a reflexive pronoun to the command.



Spanish reflexive pronoun accidentally verb after the verb

Write a short fiction story about Dia de los muertos in Spanish. Be 10 sentences.



El día de los muertos se celebra en México los días uno y dos del mes de noviembre.

En este día la familia y amigos se reúnen para orar y recordar a los familiares muertos. A pesar de ser un día en que se recuerda a los muertos, se celebra como una festividad. Se dice que es de origen indio y así se enseña en las escuelas. Los aztecas honraban a los muertos también. Pero otras personas piensan que es de origen religioso. Sin embargo, en otros países es una festividad católica. En México el día de los muertos es un símbolo nacional. En este día los mexicanos se sienten orgullosos de su origen. Los mexicanos celebran el día de los muertos en todo el mundo.


Need help with correcting:
I needed to answer this sentence into spanish. My teacher has returned the assignment about 10 times and I give up :)
6. Clean the house: my answer: Limpiar la casa.
teachers message: Limpiar is the infinitive. What is the command form of this verb?



Mi profesor me ha devuelto la tarea unas 10 veces y me rindo

Answer: limpia la casa.


Read and then choose the option with the correct answer.

¡Hola, amigos! Me llamo Julián. En la clase de biología, aprendí sobre el doctor Baruj Benacerraf. Benacerraf estudió inmunología por su enfermedad de no respirar bien.

According to the text, what field was Dr. Benacerraf an expert in?


The text says “Benacerraf studied immunology for his illness of not breathing well” so he is an expert in immunology


Dr. benacerraf was an expert in immunology.


What is the Spanish word for "proud"?






Easy 10 pointe!!!. Answer honestly ty

1. Why is it important to learn the formal and informal ways to greet and say good-bye in Spanish.

2. Why is important to learn the culture while learning a language?.



1. To be able to treat either higher ranked co-workers or older people with a higher degree of respect when speaking to them.

2. It helps you reach language proficiency and really live the language while you learn

1. It is important to greet and say goodbye in Spanish because it makes someone feel welcome and respected.

2. It’s important to learn the culture while learning the language because it is important to know it’s background and origin.

¿Por qué San José debería ser considerado modelo de paternidad responsable?

el tema es RELIGIO :)


San José, esposo de María y padre adoptivo de Jesús, es el modelo de la paternidad. Su fe y obediencia a Dios inspiraron su devoción por su familia.

Need help with corrections :(
18. ¿Mandas una tarjeta a tu amigo? Sí, la mando para él.
teachers message: a tu amigo is the indirect object we are trying to replace. We can replace that whole phrase with one word (me, te, le, nos or les). Which one do we use? Where does it go in the sentence? Does it need to become Se?

19. ¿Haces la tarea para tu profesora? Sí, la hago para ella.
teachers message: para tu profesora is the IO, which IOP do we use? Where does it go? Does it need to become se?


Wey, hablo español y ni entiendo a que te refieres


18. Le mando la tarjeta.


Hi! i am confused on two things that involve reflexive verbs and accent marks :)
the question: Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative or negative command, depending on if no is present.
11. no dormir ("o" to "ue" stem change) tarde (late):
my answer for this example: No te duermas.
my teacher told me that this is not a reflexive verb. and that I need to add tarde after the verb. where and how?
13. ponerse la ropa:
my answer for this question: Ponte la ropa.
my teacher told me to add the accent mark on the verb that must be added when adding a reflexive pronoun to the command. where and how ?
thanks so much!


Hey there! I'm happy to help!


Dormir actually isn't a reflexive verb. Dormir is a word that can only be used in regards to oneself, so it is not reflexive as that clarification isn't needed. What do I mean?

Take the word "acostar". This means to put into bed. You could say la mamá acuesta a su hijo (the mom puts her child to bed). However, you could make it reflexive to say Me acuesto (I go to bed).

We have a reflexive form to differentiate between those two things. Dormir doesn't need it because you can't "sleep" someone else so it will never been used in that context.

And with tarde, you just put it at the end of the sentence.

No duermas tarde.


13. It appears that you are correct. Ponte la ropa is written correctly and sounds correct. No accent is needed in the sentence. It seems like your teacher wants you to write pónte, but that would be redundant and incorrect because in Spanish the penultimate symbol is naturally accented, so an accent is only needed if it breaks that rule or for writing purposes (si vs sí.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

Please I need help with the corrections :(
6. Clean the house: my translation: Limpiar la casa
teachers messahe: Limpiar is the infinitive. What is the command form of this verb?

Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative or negative command, depending on if no is present. If no is present in the example, make the command negative. If there is not a no in the example, please form the command in the affirmative.

7. Sacar a los perros: No sacar al perro.
teachers message: This sentence did not have a no in the example and so wants the affirmative command for this verb
9. Lavar la ropa: No laves el culo de la ropa
teachers message same thing here, please give the affirmative command
thank you!!



Los Perris Perros no sacar al command for this

Complete with the subjunctive present

Como quiera que (ir) a la escuela, debes llegar a tiempo.

Quienquiera que (ir) al supermercado, debe comprar fruta.

Cualquiera que (necesitar), te lo daré.

Adondequiera que (ir), ten tu pasaporte contigo.

Cuando quiera que (salir), cierra la puerta.



question in english language i don't know your language

Need someone to check this for me

Use FORMAL USTED COMMANDS to give directions from where you live to the place you indicated in #2. Add specific information, like street names and landmarks, so that the person could get there without getting lost. Include formal commands for at least three different verbs.

ANSWER: Siga por Phoenix Road hasta llegar a una intersección. Doble a la derecha. Bajarás una colina. siga recto hasta llegar a la carretera de Meyer. Gire a la izquierda. Parar en la señal de parada. Espere a los peatones. Ahora gire a la izquierda hacia el estacionamiento. ¡Llegaste!

Question number 5: Write 4 sentences about yesterday. Start out by telling what the weather was like, and then write 3 more sentences describing your activities at different times of the day.

ANSWER: Ayer el tiempo estuvo cálido todo el día. A las ocho de la mañana corrí y comí en un café. A las doce de la tarde trabajaba. A las seis de la noche cené con mi familia.



answer 1:

Primero siga por Phoenix Road hasta llegar a una intersección, de ahi Doble a la derecha. Donde bajarás una colina. siga recto hasta llegar a la carretera de Meyer, luego Gire a la izquierda. Pare en la señal de parada. Espere a los peatones y por ultimo gire a la izquierda hacia el estacionamiento. ¡Llegaste!

Answer 2:

Ayer  estuvo cálido todo el día. A las ocho de la mañana corrí y comí  en una cafetería. A las doce de la tarde trabaje. A las seis de la noche cené con mi familia.


What will Arturo most likely say next?
0:00 / 0:07
Mucho gusto.
¿Cómo te llamas?
Tengo hambre.
¡Qué bonito!


Can you add the audio to help you please? :(

Oye Mercedes, no dejes que tu niño juegue con el encendedor.     2.  Hizo sus estudios de ingeniería en Mayagüez, la Sultana del Oeste.   3.    No sé a qué atribuirlo, pero estoy nervioso.   4.  Si no te gusta, no lo compres.   5.   Léeme otro cuento, abuela.   6.  Los árboles tenían diversas frutas: cerezas, manzanas coloradas, peras pequeñas ciruelas y guayabas.   7.     Por su acento prosódico, las palabras pueden ser de cuatro clases: agudas, llanas, esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas.   8. Simón Bolívar, el Libertador, luchó por la independencia de Venezuela.   9.   Enviaron el paquete a Roma, Italia.   10.    Preguntó por sus cinco amigos: Juan, Carlos, Miguel, Ernesto y Raúl.   11. Matos, Rivera Iban debe ser incluido en la lista preliminar.   12. Los estudiantes que son muy responsables, entregaron sus tareas a tiempo.   13.  Algunos animales son carnívoros es decir se alimentan, de carnes.   14.  Preguntó por Marta por María, por Margarita, por Wanda en fin por todas sus amigas.   15.  Por favor Marcos, tráeme lo que te pedí.   16.  El ingeniero Prats el encargado de la construcción, revisará el nuevo edificio.   17.  El barco que estuvo varias horas a la deriva, fue rescatado exitosamente.   18.  Cuando lleguen los paquetes, avísame pronto.   19.  Viajaré por varios países de Europa: Portugal, Francia, España, Italia e Inglaterra. a.  frase insertada o explicativa b.  frase en aposición  c. Oración invertida d.  vocativo e.  Delante de la conjunción pero f.  frases de enlace g.  separar nombre y apellidos   h.  separar pueblo y país i.  enumeración de elementos análogos​



ordenalo  y te lo respondo


por el momento gracias por lso puntos

Spanish: Soy Juan Carlos y vivo en La Habana. Este fin de semana es la boda de mi hermanastra Joselyn en Nueva York y ¡vamos a la ciudad! Estoy muy contento porque nunca visitamos países y me encanta aprender. En la boda llevo un traje. En la noche llevo pantalones cortos y camiseta para ir a un parque de atracciones para celebrar. No hace frío en Nueva York en julio.

English: I am Juan Carlos and I live in Havana. This weekend is my stepsister Joselyn's wedding in New York and we're going to town! I am very happy because we never visit countries and I love learning. At the wedding I wear a suit. At night I wear shorts and a T-shirt to go to an amusement park to celebrate. It's not cold in New York in July.

What would be the best title for this text?

A. Voy a una fiesta en Estados Unidos.

B.Vamos a una celebración en Cuba.

C.¿Vas al parque conmigo en la primavera?

D. ¿Van al centro comercial en el invierno?


Answer: A


The other answers just talk about

Visiting cuba (not right because they went to new york)

Going to the park in spring (doesn't make sense because there is no spring included in the text)

And going to the mall in winter which is not talked about ether so it would be A

Not sure how to do this can someone answer these please :D


Why would you write the question in English but the have the actual one in Spanish

Also this is some weird grammar

Pregunta 1 (2 puntos)



la respuesta es verdadero

How would you say good-bye to a friend at school whom you’ll be meeting the next day? in spanish



te veo mañana adios


ill see you tomorrow bye


Adiós, te veo mañana or Adios, nos vemos mañana


they both mean goodbye, see you tomorrow.

how do you think child acquire language​



Children acquire language through interaction - not only with their parents and other adults, but also with other children. All normal children who grow up in normal households, surrounded by conversation, will acquire the language that is being used around them.

ordenar las siguientes silabas para formar una palabra men te e ca ti




[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bf THEME:\:ORDENAR\:\:LAS\:\:SILABAS}}[/tex]

It is éticamente

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that studies human behavior, good and evil, good and evil, morality, good living, virtue, happiness and duty.


Greetings <3

Sincerely: anapaulacbellido


Éticamente (ethically)


¿cuando en las proposiciones se utiliza signos de puntuacion deja deja de se compuesta?



Creo que no.


Need help with corrections, my teacher is giving me a hard time :(
20. ¿Escribes el correo electrónico a su amigo? Si, le escribo el correo a su amigo.
teachers message: Do you write an email to your friend? What is the direct object? What is the indirect object? What are their pronouns? Show me:



Direct object:

Direct object pronoun:

Indirect object:

Indirect object pronoun:

Now rewrite the sentence using the IOP and DOP

21. ¿Compras la bebida para tu hermana? Si, le compro la bebida para ella.

teachers message: Same thing here. Do you buy the drink for your sister? Show me:



Direct object:

Direct object pronoun:

Indirect object:

Indirect object pronoun:

Now rewrite the sentence using the IOP and DOP



My first language is spanish and i don't even know how to answer that smh

I'll give brainliest!

Check the picture above


1. Descansas
2. Tocamos
3. Practico
4. Estudias
5. Monto
6. Estudio

help me fix my Spanish questions please, my teacher told me I have to have command or imperative form, which I do not understand. I added my answer, and the question please help :(
Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative or negative command, depending on if no is present. If no is present in the example, make the command negative. If there is not a no in the example, please form the command in the affirmative.
7. Sacar a los perros
my answer: No sacar a los perros.
8. No limpiar la mesa
my answer: Limpiar la mesa.
9. Lavar la ropa
my answer: No lavar la ropa.



1.No sacar al perro.

2.No limpiar la mesa

3.No laves el culo de la ropa

no sacar al perro.
no limpar la mesa
no laves el culo de la ropa

Lee la siguiente expresión del cuento: ¨El suicidio de la Señora Stevens me preocupaba no policialmente, sino deportivamente.......¨ (como juego, hazaña). ¿Esta frase se relaciona con las características del policial clásico o con las del policial negro?. Fundamenta.


Que no se como se dice

Cual es la preposición que debo usar en para aquí se divisa el mar


Answer: desde

desde aquí se divisa el mar.


14. how do You address a married woman as in spanish!

15. how do you address an unmarried young lady as in spanish


14 is señora
15 is señorita

Answer: 14. Señora

15. Señorita


Help me please please help me


1. What do you like to do with your friends?

Answer each question and I can translate for you

2. What do you do the weekends?

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate Possessive Adjectives

a) ______libro está en clase de español. (his)
b) Ana va a casa de Juan con ________tareas. (her)
c) La prima de Pilar es ________mejor amiga. (my)
d) Mi casa es __________casa.(your)
e) Noah y George viven con_______amigos. (their)



a) __Su__libro está en clase de español.

b) Ana va a casa de Juan con __sus__tareas.

c) La prima de Pilar es __mi___mejor amiga.

d) Mi casa es ___tu_casa.

e) Noah y George viven con_sus___amigos.



a). Su

b) sus

c) mi

d). su

e). sus

Which words best complete this statement?
El programa va a _____ a la una y va a _____ a las tres.

empezar; terminar

terminar; durar

terminar; empiezar

durar; empezar





empezar is begin

terminar is end

durar is last ( as in take time)

the sentence says

the tv-show will ____ at 1 and will ___ at 3.

    A.                  begin                     end


A empezar, terminar.


El programa va a __ empezar ___ a la una y va a ___ terminar__ a las tres.

Other Questions
write the following as powers of ten with one figure before the decimal point 1) 100,000 2) 3500 Find the length of the third side. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. 5 10 anyone help me please I need help Language Arts, FictionQuestion 2Characters that are not well-developed and sometimes stereotyped. Tips to concentrate on your studies.for Competitive exams 1) S dng phng php din tch chng minh nh l Pitago: Trong mt tam gic vung, bnh phng cnh huyn bng tng bnh phng hai cnh gc vung. 2) Chng minh rng t gic c mt v ch mt ng ni trung im hai cnh i chia t gic thnh hai phn c cng din tch l hnh thang. Cameron wants to be an x-ray technician he checks out the area he lives in and finds that there are three hospital systems close to him what does this tell Camerona.there are already too many x-rays technicians in the areab.there plenty of jobs for x-ray technicians in the areac.there is not a need for x-ray technicians in that job marketd.cameron will have to move to another job market to find a position Which if the following symbols is NOT used to indicate a state of matter in an equation? A. None of these B. "aq" C. "l" D. "g" Find the volume of the prism.4 m5 m19 m Which term describes the repeated arrangement of the same molecule? -6=2n-n please help I hate math WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!A club is going to send 4 of its 10 members to represent the club at a conference.How many different groups of 4 members can they send? What is the ratio of 16 and 8 Please answer all three A clock rotated from 12 to 6 this is No need for exams at school. Do you agree? Why? HELP PLEASE ASAPThe following box plot shows the number of years during which 24 schools have participated in an interschool swimming meet:A box and whisker plot is drawn using a number line from 0 to 10 with primary markings and labels at 0, 5, 10. In between two primary markings are 4 secondary markings. The box extends from 1 to 6 on the number line. There is a vertical line at 3.5. The whiskers end at 0 and 8. Above the plot is written Duration of Participation. Below the plot is written Years.At least how many schools have participated for 1 year or less?6 schools8 schools12 schools14 schools Help me please !!!!!!!!!! Solve for xAnswer options:45832 5. f. Fly Write the plural of the following nouns. 6x0.5=3 a. Egg b. Lady c. Woman d. Deer e. Calf Write similar expressions with apostrophe 2x1 =2 a. Ravi has got a sister. She is very pretty. b. These students have got books. Their books are on the table.