what is computer
what is simple machine
what is output device
The work associated with software engineering can be categorized into three generic phases, regardless of application area, project size, or complexity namely the phase which phase which focuses on how and the phase which focuses on what the focuses on change. i support ii. development 2
The work associated with software engineering can be categorized into three generic phases,regardless of application area, project size, or complexity namely the_____________ phase which focuses on what, the______________ phase which focuses on how and the_____________ phase which focuses on change ? i. support ii. development iii. definition
[A]. 1, 2, 3
[B]. 2, 1, 3
[C]. 3, 2, 1. ✅✅
[D]. 3, 1, 2
Solve using Matlab the problems:
One using the permutation of n objects formula
One using the permutation of r objects out of n objects
you can make up your own questions.
Help me please
% Clears variables and screen
clear; clc
% Asks user for input
n = input('Total number of objects: ');
r = input('Size of subgroup: ');
% Computes and displays permutation according to basic formulas
p = 1;
for i = n - r + 1 : n
p = p*i;
str1 = [num2str(p) ' permutations'];
% Computes and displays combinations according to basic formulas
str2 = [num2str(p/factorial(r)) ' combinations'];
How many permutations and combinations can be made of the 15 alphabets, taking four at a time?
The answer is:
32760 permutations
1365 combinations
which rendering algorithm must be applied if a realistic rendering of the scene is required
Rendering or image synthesis is the process of generating a photorealistic or non-photorealistic image from a 2D or 3D model by means of a computer program. The resulting image is referred to as the render. Multiple models can be defined in a scene file containing objects in a strictly defined language or data structure. The scene file contains geometry, viewpoint, texture, lighting, and shading information describing the virtual scene. The data contained in the scene file is then passed to a rendering program to be processed and output to a digital image or raster graphics image file. The term "rendering" is analogous to the concept of an artist's impression of a scene. The term "rendering" is also used to describe the process of calculating effects in a video editing program to produce the final video output.

A variety of rendering techniques applied to a single 3D scene

An image created by using POV-Ray 3.6
Rendering is one of the major sub-topics of 3D computer graphics, and in practice it is always connected to the others. It is the last major step in the graphics pipeline, giving models and animation their final appearance. With the increasing sophistication of computer graphics since the 1970s, it has become a more distinct subject.
Rendering has uses in architecture, video games, simulators, movie and TV visual effects, and design visualization, each employing a different balance of features and techniques. A wide variety of renderers are available for use. Some are integrated into larger modeling and animation packages, some are stand-alone, and some are free open-source projects. On the inside, a renderer is a carefully engineered program based on multiple disciplines, including light physics, visual perception, mathematics, and software development.
Though the technical details of rendering methods vary, the general challenges to overcome in producing a 2D image on a screen from a 3D representation stored in a scene file are handled by the graphics pipeline in a rendering device such as a GPU. A GPU is a purpose-built device that assists a CPU in performing complex rendering calculations. If a scene is to look relatively realistic and predictable under virtual lighting, the rendering software must solve the rendering equation. The rendering equation doesn't account for all lighting phenomena, but instead acts as a general lighting model for computer-generated imagery.
In the case of 3D graphics, scenes can be pre-rendered or generated in realtime. Pre-rendering is a slow, computationally intensive process that is typically used for movie creation, where scenes can be generated ahead of time, while real-time rendering is often done for 3D video games and other applications that must dynamically create scenes. 3D hardware accelerators can improve realtime rendering performance.
Đánh giá hoạt động thanh toán điện tử của sinh viên
6. Where all controls are lie
a) Properties b) Toolbox c) Solution Explorer d) Files
I think b is correct answer.
Write a program that reads in an integer, and breaks it into a sequence of individual digits. Display each digit on a separate line. For example, the input 16384 is displayed as 1 6 3 8 4 You may assume that the input has no more than five digits and is not negative.
The program in Python is as follows:
num = int(input())
for i in str(num):
This gets input for the number
num = int(input())
This converts the number to string and iterates through each element of the string
for i in str(num):
This prints individual digits
In database a record is also called a
hope it helps you
pls mark this ans brainlist ans
3. Coaxial/telephone cable sends
during the data transmission
high frequency signal.
Write a program that asks the user to enter in a username and then examines that username to make sure it complies with the rules above. Here's a sample running of the program - note that you want to keep prompting the user until they supply you with a valid username:
user_in = input ("Please enter your username: " )
if user_in in "0123456789":
print ("Username cannot contain numbers")
elif user_in in "?":
print ("Username cannot continue special character")
print (" Welcome to your ghetto, {0}! ".format(user_in))
A processor’s speed is measured in (a) or gigahertz. The (b) (higher/lower) the hertz, the faster the processing of instructions.
(a) gigahertz(b) higherExplanation:
The processor's speed measures the number of cycles your CPU executes per second, measured in GHz (gigahertz).The higher the processor's hertz a CPU has, the faster it can process instructions.Answer:
A) Gigahertz.
B) Higher.
i took the test
which is the another name of automatic sequence control calculator
IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC)
Dr. Watson has been kidnaped! Sherlock Holmes was contacted by the kidnapper for ransom. Moments later he received a message from Dr. Watson's phone. The message contained three random strings. Sherlock being Sherlock, was able to deduce immediately that Dr. Watson was trying to give a hint about his location. He figured out that the longest common subsequence between the 3 words is the location. But since it was too easy for him, he got bored and asked you to find out what the actual location is. Your task is to find the longest common subsequence from the 3 given strings before it is too late. A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements. For instance, given a sequence "drew"; "d", "w", "de", "drw", "drew" are all examples of valid subsequences (there are also others), while "er", "wdre" are not. Design a dynamic programming algorithm which takes three input sequences X, Y, and Z, of lengths m, n, and p, respectively, and returns their longest common subsequence. For full marks your algorithm should run in (mnp) time. Note that W is a common subsequence of X, Y, and Z if and only if W is a subsequence of X, W is a subsequence of Y, and W is a subsequence of Z.
Describe the set of subproblems that your dynamic programming algorithm will consider.
please mark me brainlist
This algorithm works for n number of strings in python3
from itertools import product
import pdb
import numpy as np
def neigh(index):
N = len(index)
for ri in product((0, -1), repeat=N):
if not all(i == 0 for i in ri):
yield tuple(i + i_rel for i, i_rel in zip(index, ri))
def longestCommonSubSequenceOfN(sqs):
numberOfSequences = len(sqs); # to know number of sequences
lengths = np.array([len(sequence) for sequence in sqs]); # to know length of each sequences placed in # array
incrLengths = lengths + 1; # here we are taking no .of sequences +1
lengths = tuple(lengths); # making lengths into tuple to make it mutable
inverseDistances = np.zeros(incrLengths);
ranges = [tuple(range(1, length+1)) for length in lengths[::-1]]; # finding ranges from 1 to each lengths
for tupleIndex in product(*ranges):
tupleIndex = tupleIndex[::-1];
neighborIndexes = list(neigh(tupleIndex)); # finding neighbours for each tupled index value and # store them in list
operationsWithMisMatch = np.array([]); # creating array which are miss matched
for neighborIndex in neighborIndexes:
operationsWithMisMatch = np.append(operationsWithMisMatch, inverseDistances[neighborIndex]);
#appending newly created array with operations miss match and inverseDistances
operationsWithMatch = np.copy(operationsWithMisMatch);
# copying newly generated missmatch indexs
operationsWithMatch[-1] = operationsWithMatch[-1] + 1;
# incrementing last indexed value
chars = [sqs[i][neighborIndexes[-1][i]] for i in range(numberOfSequences)];
# finding a string(chars) with neighbour indexes and checking with other sequences
if(all(elem == chars[0] for elem in chars)):
inverseDistances[tupleIndex] = max(operationsWithMatch);
inverseDistances[tupleIndex] = max(operationsWithMisMatch);
subString = ""; # resulted string
mainTupleIndex = lengths; # copying lengths list to mainTupleIndex
while(all(ind > 0 for ind in mainTupleIndex)):
neighborsIndexes = list(neigh(mainTupleIndex));
#generating neighbour indexes with main tuple index in form of list
anyOperation = False;
for tupleIndex in neighborsIndexes:
current = inverseDistances[mainTupleIndex];
if(current == inverseDistances[tupleIndex]): # comparing indexes in main tuple index and inverse #distance tuple index
mainTupleIndex = tupleIndex;
anyOperation = True;
if(not anyOperation): # if anyoperation is False then we are generating sunString
subString += str(sqs[0][mainTupleIndex[0] - 1]);
mainTupleIndex = neighborsIndexes[-1];
return subString[::-1]; # reversing resulted string
sequences = ["83217", "8213897", "683147"]
print(longestCommonSubSequenceOfN(sequences)); #837
subratract 11100 from 1011 by using 1's complement method step by step
5. Which events is used to code on any form load
a) Form Text b) Form Code c) Form Load d) Form Data
I think b is correct answer
An MP3 player is an example of which of the following types of computer
operating systems?
A. Real-time OS
B. Multi-user, multi-tasking
C. Single-user, single-tasking
D. Multi-user
B) multi user -multi tasking
Answer: A. Real time OS
Explanation: took the quiz
Diana is working on an Access file. She added a rectangle to the title of her form and would like to change the color of the rectangle border. To complete this task, Diana goes into Design view, clicks on Property Sheet, and then clicks on the Other tab. She is unable to find the Border Color option to make the change. What error did Diana make? A.She should have used Format view instead of Design view.
B.She should have clicked Controls before clicking Property Sheet.
C.She should have clicked on the Format tab after clicking Property Sheet.
D.She should have looked for the Border Width option instead of the Border Color option.
she should have used format view instead of design view
Give minimum computers configuration that can be used by a law firm.
Processor: Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or equivalent. Memory: 8 GB or more. Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB or more. Display: 13-inch or larger.
The lowest computers configuration that can be used are:
Operating System: such as MacOS 10.14. Windows 10 or higher version.Processor: such as Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or others.Memory: 8 GB and more.Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB and more.Display: such as 13-inch or more.What is Configuration of a system?This is known to be the ways that the parts are said to be arranged to compose of the computer system.
Note that in the above case, The lowest computers configuration that can be used are:
Operating System: such as MacOS 10.14. Windows 10 or higher version.Processor: such as Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or others.Memory: 8 GB and more.Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB and more.Display: such as 13-inch or more.Learn more about computers from
what is tha length of Mac address ?
short length which includes all details about the addres
7. System software is the set of software programs that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and hardware devices. It consists of the operating system (OS) and utility programs. How does the mindset of the designer affect the design of the operating system (e.g., Windows vs. Linux)
The main goal when designing an operating system (OS) is to make sure that the system is as efficient and intuitive as possible. This is the mindset that designers have when creating the operating system. However, this also creates drastically different designs between designers, mainly because one design structure will feel much more natural and intuitive to one designer but not another. Since the designer's own personal taste/mindset drastically affects the design, most companies find their target audience and survey/test various designs. This is done in order to find what features and styles best fit the vast majority of the people.
The basic idea behind DNSSEC is a. providing name resolution from a hostname to an IP address b. ensuring that only local authoritative nameservers have the authorization to contact nameservers higher in the hierarchy (i.e., TLD nameservers, root nameservers) c. encrypting each DNS response so that it cannot be read by a third-party d. authenticating that the data received in a DNS response is the same as what was entered by the zone administrator (i.e., the response has not been tampered with)
authenticating that the data received in a DNS response is the same as what was entered by the zone administrator
Pls help me Pls help me
20 10
please mark me as brainlyest
discuss the challenges of not using the five elements of multimedia in a positive manner
hi buddy
here is your answer
♡Challenges for Multimedia Systems♡
Sequencing within the media -- playing frames in correct order/time frame in video.Sequencing within the media -- playing frames in correct order/time frame in video.Synchronisation -- inter-media scheduling (e.g. Video and Audio). Lip synchronisation is clearly important for humans to watch playback of video and audio and even animation and audio.hope it helps
please mark me pls
Challenges posed by the negative use of multimedia include : moral Decay, blackmail, false content creation, fraud and so on.
The elements of multimedia includes, Audio, video, animation, text and image.
Multimedia usage has transformed the information transmission process such that it has now become an extremely effective means of communicationbusibg the different forms of multimedia.
However, we continue to face the challenges associated with misuse of these effective elements. The challenges associated with negative use of multimedia include :
MORAL DECAY : Videos and images allows us to send pictoral messages and information, the production and transmission of wayward and immoral content has a negative effect on the society. Blackmail : Fraudsters often take recorded audio or video clips of individuals which they intend to use as a threat for financial gain. Other challenges posed by negative use of multimedia include ; creation of false content creation, fraud, false testimony and many others.Learn more :
what word describes how would electronically retrieve data
Answer: Data retrieval means obtaining data from a database management system such as ODBMS. ... The retrieved data may be stored in a file, printed, or viewed on the screen. A query language, such as Structured Query Language (SQL), is used to prepare the queries.
What is the importance of using Onedrive in Windows 10 and how knowledge of it will have an impact in today's workplace?
The importance of one drive in windows 10 is that it helps the user to synchronize files in their computer.
Onedrive is a cloud storage system that is useful for the storage of files in a secured manner. A person can easily access their files whenever they want to.
In todays workplace a knowledge of onedrive has a great impact because
Onedrive offers an unlimited access to files whenever they are neededThe files can be available and accessed from anywhereIt helps with the organization of files in the work place.One drive allows for this to be done even when offline. When online, there is an automatic synchronization of the made changes.
Learn more:
The POR is a systematic method of documentation that includes a database, problem list, initiitial plan and progress notes.
A. True
B. False
The POR is a systematic method of documentation that includes a database, problem list, initiitial plan and progress notes is true
a computer works on input processing output device
a computer works on input processing output device true
a computer works on input processing output device. True
God bless you.
OSI model layers application in mobile computing
The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.
write the
Text can be celected using
2 A mouse
device of
3 Scrolls bars are
buttons which assist
upwards downwards
sideways to
Text can be selectedusing
number 2 is the awnser(the mouse)
what is 1 st genaration of computer
The period of first generation computer was from 1946-1959 AD .The computers of first generation used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU ( Central Processing Unit).These tubes, like electric bulbs, produced a lot of heat and were prone to frequent fusing of the installation.
Hope it helps...............
Identify the class of the address, the number of octets in the network part of the address, the number of octets in the host part of the address, the network number, and the network broadcast address g
Class B
Number of octets in the network part of the address: 2
Number of octets in the host part of the address: 2
Network number:
Network broadcast address:
Class C
Number of octets in the network part of the address: 3
Number of octets in the host part of the address: 1
Network number:
Network broadcast address: