High School
Help plis vocabulary practicewrite about your understanding of constitutional rights by explaining the connections between andamong each of the terms in the concept circle. how do the terms in the concept circle fit together?bill the rightsviolation ofprotection ofrightsrightsotheramendmentsto the u.s.constitution
High School
What important battle is being described in this box? fought because both sides wanted to control the flow of supplies in and out of texasunion forces controlled the area until the confederacy recaptured it in 1863involved the confederacy using a pair of cotton-clad river steamers
High School
What caused apples to become an important crop in Eastern Washington?
High School
Counter arguments and rebuttal to the 3 decisions the us made during ww2
High School
which statement best completes the diagram?
High School
Power is inherited through a bloodline but a constitution limits the monarchs power when is the vocal word
High School
How did decolonized states in asia, africa, and latin america (the third world) struggle to find a "third way" but find themselves caught between rival superpower?
High School
In 2011, after eight years of fighting, american troops returned home from iraq. Their departure, combined with the fragile governments in the outskirts of iraq, gave rise to fundamentalist groups that gained power. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing one such group.
High School
Who was targeted and denounced by the red guards? why did the red guards denounce these people? what methods did the red guards use?.
High School
Reconstruction impact on social classes directions: create a social pyramid of the social hierarchy of the southern states during the reconstruction period.
High School
Write a Short essay answering Do you think the United States involvement in Vietnam was justified?
High School
Historian Gary Gerstle describes the contradiction of the U. S. Exercising imperial impulses as it does in the Spanish American War. What is the contradiction? How is this question later played out in the status of Puerto Ricans after the war? How does Luis Muoz Rivera describe living this contradiction?
High School
PLEASE HELPWrite a report explaining the basic belief system of either Hinduism or Islam, touching on the religions symbols, ceremonies, and views on deity
Consider the five civilizations you studied in this unit. Write a paragraph for each civilization. Each of your five paragraphs should address these points:geographical locationtime span of the civilizationimportant achievementsimportant leaders or rulersend or decline
High School
6. 07 Assignment InstructionsDirections:Use EasyBib or Son of Citation Machine to create MLA citations for each of your sources from Gathering Information Worksheet: Part One. Write one summary statement, one integrated direct quotation, and one paraphrase statement for each of your three sources, including parenthetical citations for each. Gathering Information Worksheet: Part TwoMLA CitationIntegrated Direct QuotationSummary StatementParaphrase Statement
High School
How were Julius Caesar's and Augustus' periods of rule different?
High School
What happened as a result of the watergate scandal?.
High School
All of the following were true after industrialization except. women were more likely to receive equal pay with menwomen were more likely to work outside the homewomen were more likely work in factorieswomen were likeky to move from farms to cities
High School
Fill in the table below by providing a date and meaningful description of each of the events listed. Be sure to identify the importance of each event to the history if immigration in the United States. Note that the events are not in the chronological order. You will organize these events in the next step.To complete the table, review information from the course and gather additional sources online or elsewhere. As you conduct your research, please use the resources table below to provide the citation information for any sources you rely on.EVENTS: 1. Cuban Revolution 2. Salad Bowl term introduced 3. Great depression 4. September 11, 20015. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 19866. Executive order initiatives parts of DREAM Act7. Japanese internment8. Nativism9. Comprehensive Reform Act of 200710. Great Irish Famine 11. Immigration and Nationality Act of 196512. Arizona v. United States13. Chinese Exclusion Act14. illegal immigration Reform and immigrant Responsibility Act15. Melting Pot term comes into general usage16. Emergency Quota Act17. Ellis island opens18. Anti-German sentiment during World War l
High School
Totem pole of latin american social order create a totem pole by sketching symbols for each social class on the graphic below
High School
What is the reason behind scientist jagadish chandra bose not being recognized as the inventor of radio?.
High School
What is one way eleanor of aquitaine built her power as a monarch? question 4 options: through treaties though marriage through conquest through wise purchases of land
High School
The decade after the Second World War was characterized by all of the following EXCEPTa) unprecedented prosperityb) rapid and extensive suburbanizationc) a population explosion known as the "baby boom"d) the growing strength of the movement for African American civil rightse) widespread student opposition to the development of nuclear weaponry
High School
Amending the US Constitution... a) Can be done by a two thirds vote of both houses of Congress AND a three-quarters vote of the fifty US states. b) Can be done without the consent or participation of the US states. c) Can be done by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. d) Can be done by three-quarters vote of the fifty US states
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