Computers and Technology
Using Excel to calculate the descriptive statistic: mean, median, standard deviation (for sample), first quartile (Q1), third quartile (Q3), and interquartile range (IQR). Use QUARTILE.INC for quartile. Keep 3 decimals where applicable. 5. (Submit a screenshot of Box-plots). Construct a box-plot for the data. Use your name as the chart title. Identify 5-number summary on the box-plot. Calculate 1.5*IQR. How do you determine the outliers? Keep whole numbers. 6. (Submit a screenshot of your written or typed answer) Suppose a student has a final mark of 65. calculate the z-score for this student. Keep 3 decimals. Explain to someone about this z-score who does not have statistics knowledge. 7. (Submit a screenshot of your written or typed answers for parts a to e) Based on the design of the study and data collection method, a. Identify the sample and the population b. The mean you calculated in question 4 is a parameter. True or False? c. How would you name the data based on the measurement scale (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) d. The data is obtained by using probability sampling or non-probability sampling? e. If you want to conduct a study about this data, is the study observational study or design of experiment?