Computers and Technology
Homework 1 Computer Vision (Term 3 2022-23) The purpose of this homework is to write an image filtering function to apply on input images. Image filtering (or convolution) is a fundamental image processing tool to modify the image with some smoothing or sharpening affect. You will be writing your own function to implement image filtering from scratch. More specifically, you will implement filter( ) function should conform to the following: (1) support grayscale images, (2) support arbitrarily shaped filters where both dimensions are odd (e.g., 3 3 filters, 5 5 filters), (3) pad the input image with the same pixels as in the outer row and columns, and (4) return a filtered image which is the same resolution as the input image. You should read a color image and then convert it to grayscale. Then define different types of smoothing and sharpening filters such as box, sobel, etc. Before you apply the filter on the image matrix, apply padding operation on the image so that after filtering, the output filtered image resolution remains the same. (Please refer to the end the basic image processing notebook file that you used for first two labs to see how you can pad an image) Then you should use nested loops (two for loops for row and column) for filtering operation by matrix multiplication and addition (using image window and filter). Once filtering is completed, display the filtered image. Please use any image for experiment. Submission You should submit (using Blackboard link) the source file which includes the code (Jupiter notebook) and a report containing different filters and corresponding filtered images. Deadline: May 11th, Thursday, End of the day.
Using the sequence of references from Exercise 5. 2, show the nal cache contents for a three-way set associative cache with two-word blocks and a total size of 24 words. Use LRU replacement. For each reference identify the index bits, the tag bits, the block o set bits, and if it is a hit or a miss. references: 3, 180, 43, 2, 191, 88, 190, 14, 181, 44, 186, 253