High School
The ages of the 5 officers for a school club are 18, 18, 17, 16, and 15. The proportion of officers who are youngerthan 18 is 0. 6. The table displays all possible samples of size 2 and the corresponding proportion for each sample,17, 1617, 1516111Sample n = 2 18, 18 18, 17 18, 17 18, 16 18, 16 18, 15 18, 15Sample0 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5ProportionUsing the proportions in the table, is the sample proportion an unbiased estimator?Yes, the sample proportions are calculated using samples from the population. Yes, the mean of the sample proportions is 0. 6, which is the same as the population proportion. No, 0. 6 is not one of the possible sample proportions. No, 70% of the sample proportions are less than or equal to 0. 5.