High School
Similar to the confederate statues, the statue ofchristopher columbus is also a symbol of past andpresent bigotry. for indigenous communitiesspecifically, it is a reminder of their conquest, whichcan be described as apocalyptic. the columbusstatue stands as a monument to the near genocideof indigenous peoples throughout the americasand if left standing, it will remain a symbol of theircontinued oppression as indigenous peoplesthroughout this nation, as well as this continent,are disenfranchised, segregated, or they live ininadequate housing, they struggle with access tohealth care and are victims of continuedviolence. removing the monument, therefore,serves several purposes. first, it confronts racism,and at present, it is not enough to be non-racist; wemust be anti-racist. second, removing this symbolof racism is a step in the right direction towardsrepairing the injustices committed againstindigenous populations everywhere. your task is tomake a case for or against the removal ofconfederate statues and statues of christophercolumbus.