The endocrine system in the human body is one of the complex systems of glands and organs. The system utilizes hormones to control and regulate the metabolism of the body, growth, and reproduction.
The glands present near the lymph nodes are the thymus. The thymus is one of the primary glands of the endocrine system, which is situated near the lymph nodes.
The thymus gland is present between the lungs and chest, near the lymph nodes. There are numerous kidney-shaped lymph nodes present between the chest area.
The gland thymus produces the hormone thymosin and secretes the T-lymphocytes. The cells play a crucial role in the immune system of the body. These cells help in preventing the incoming foreign bodies.
The other glands of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus and pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, and thyroid.
To know more about the endocrine system, refer to the following link: