thị trường khách du lịch tại tỉnh thái nguyên


Answer 1


please let m know if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine how attachments are handled as a

Answer 2

Answer:bạn có phải là người việt nam không


Related Questions

There has been a surge in violent crime in many parts of the country, and New York state has even declared a state of emergency. U.S. President Joe Biden held a meeting at the White House to discuss the response and called for a national crime prevention policy.

According to the MEDIA and experts in the United States, the recent surge in violent crimes is due to multiple factors, such as the weak economy, the continuing epidemic and the spread of guns, which have compounded social conflicts. It is doubtful that the White House's prescriptions will do much to cure America's chronic disease of violence.



I think US President Joe Biden will do it


Brain check
Use your brain answer my question.
1.What is as big as you are and yet doesn't weigh anything?
2.You can hold it without using your hands and arms.What is it?
3.Who travels around the world but stays in one spot?
4.What can run but never walks ,has a mouth but never talks ,has a head but never weeps ,and has a bed but never sleeps?
5.What is in the middle of CHINA?
6.What starts with T ,ends with a T ,and has tea in it?
7.Who has hands but cannot clap?
8.What becomes white when it is dirty?
9.Which month has 28 days?
10.Where do fish keep there money?
All the answers are easy if you use your mind .
Let's check whose mind is sharp.



Step 1:  Figure out the riddle

1.)  Your shadow, it's as big as you are but doesn't weigh anything.

2.)  Your breath, you can hold it without using your hands and arms.

3.)  A stamp, it travels the world but stays on the mail that it was stamped on.

4.)  A river, it's all of those things.

5.)  The letter 'I', because it's in the middle of the word.

6.)  A Teapot, it starts with a 't' and ends with a 't' and has tea in it.

7.)  A Clock, it has two hands but it cannot clap.

8.)  A Blackboard, it gets more white the more you draw on it, it gets dirty.

9.)  February, it is the only month that has 28 days.

10.)  Riverbank, get it :D a riverbank lol

I had a harder time spelling February then answering these riddle.  Thanks!

हुने बिरुवाको चिल्ला पात वाक्य प्रयोग​



hune biruwa ko chillo pat bhane jhai jhamak kumari ghimire sanai dekhi mehenati thiyin

After the protagonist confronts the murderer at the story's climax and brings him to justice, the story continues and the protagonist explains how he discovered the murderer's identity. The part of the story that occurs after the climax is

falling action.



rising action.


answer: falling action


Falling action

please mark me brainliest

What is the similar meaning of home in nepali language​



The similar meaning of home in nepali language is "Ghriha"


Ghara is home


You can't post links in brainly

2. निम्र में से द्वित्वाक्षर शब्द नहीं है.​




पूर्व संध्या



i want the answer in tamil now​



I am having the same problem

Auto mechanic. what is alternators ?​and



An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current.


Please mark me as brainliest

are you sus if you answer ur not sus



I can confidiently tell you, I am not sus.



i am not sus



1. Yo ___ la guitarra el mes pasado. (tocar, preterite)

2 Mis hermanos pequeños ___ muy tarde. (dormirse, preterite)

3. La semana pasada, mis amigos y yo ____ por el parque. (andar, preterite)

4. Tú _____ a la profesora que el examen fue difícil. (decir, preterite)

5. Cuando éramos pequeños, nosotros ____ mucho. (jugar, imperfect)

6. Yo ____ el examen mañana. (estudiar, present progressive)

7. ¿Qué _____ nosotros en la clase hoy? (hacer, present progressive)

8. Sandra _____ ir al cine esta noche. (querer, present)

9. No _____ tan alto. (hablar, tú negative command)

10. No _____ en la biblioteca, (hablar, Uds. negative command)

11. Este verano mi familia y yo _____ por Europa. (viajar, future tense)

12. Yo no _____ esta noche porque tengo que estudiar. (salir, future tense)

13. TÚ _____ estudiar mucho más. (deber, conditional)

14. Ellas _____ una fiesta con muchos amigos. (tener, conditional)

15. Mis padres me ____la respuesta. (decir, conditional)

16. ¿Adónde ____ Marcos y Antonio? (ir, imperfect)

17 _____ aquí ahora mismo. (venir, tú affirmative command)

18 _____ la mesa antes de comer. (poner, tú affirmative command)

19. Mis padres me ____ a qué hora empieza la cena. (decir, future tense)

20. Mi hermano ____ hablar español despues de esta clase, (poder, future tense)



. Yo _toqué__ la guitarra el mes pasado. (tocar, preterite)

2 Mis hermanos pequeños _duermen__ muy tarde. (dormirse, preterite)

3. La semana pasada, mis amigos y yo __andamos__ por el parque. (andar, preterite)

4. Tú ___dile_ a la profesora que el examen fue difícil. (decir, preterite)

5. Cuando éramos pequeños, nosotros _jugamos___ mucho. (jugar, imperfect)

6. Yo __estudiaré__ el examen mañana. (estudiar, present progressive)

7. ¿Qué __haremos__ nosotros en la clase hoy? (hacer, present progressive)

8. Sandra __quiere___ ir al cine esta noche. (querer, present)

9. No habló tan alto. (hablar, tú negative command)

10. No __hablen___ en la biblioteca, (hablar, Uds. negative command)

11. Este verano mi familia y yo ___viajamos__ por Europa. (viajar, future tense)

12. Yo no __salgo___ esta noche porque tengo que estudiar. (salir, future tense)

13. TÚ ___debes__ estudiar mucho más. (deber, conditional)

14. Ellas ___tiene__ una fiesta con muchos amigos. (tener, conditional)

15. Mis padres me _dicen___la respuesta. (decir, conditional)

16. ¿Adónde __irán__ Marcos y Antonio? (ir, imperfect)

17 ___ven_ aquí ahora mismo. (venir, tú affirmative command)

18 ___pone__ la mesa antes de comer. (poner, tú affirmative command)

19. Mis padres me _dicen___ a qué hora empieza la cena. (decir, future tense)

20. Mi hermano __puede__ hablar español despues de esta clase, (poder, future tense)

2) verify the commutative property for addition and multiplication for the rational numbers to and 10●>¤●{●•●{●{●>○>○>○○○\\○\{●\>○>•>○}\{\6\☆52225}326♡▪2>▪~>5254`5\ 5~}~▪\♡3 {▪33 {34♢7○47 [●574▪8¤48¤48¤55 75748​




Is fast a short vowel


yes, it is a short vowel.


Answer the following questions​



I think the 1st one is 冬 and 冷

dōng         lěng

Hope it helps :)

những chuyển biến về kinh tế của Việt Nam trong quá trình hội nhập ASEAN (2001-2020)



i cant understand the language


Tú y tu amigo Juan están de visita en Oruro, Bolivia y mientras esperan el autobús que los llevará allá, comienza esta conversación. Todo lo que tu amigo diga estará escrito, pero tu tendrás que escribir las partes en blanco. Recuerda que debes estudiar las palabras del vocabulario de la lección 51 y después repasar la voz pasiva en la lección 53 para que puedas contestar lo que tu amigo te pregunte.

Si encuentras una palabra subrayada (underlined), debes usar la voz pasiva en el espacio siguiente.

Si encuentras una palabra en inglés que esté entre paréntesis, debes traducirla al español.

Por ejemplo: Todo lo que está en rojo es lo que tú debes escribir.

-Miguel ¿cómo estás?

-Muy bien y tú?(you).

-Tengo una pregunta

- Dime

-¿Cuándo se fundó la Ciudad de México?

-La Ciudad de México fue fundada en 1520.

Ahora es tu turno. ¡Buena suerte!

-Hola Benito


-Estoy muy triste. Anoche perdí mi maleta.

-¿Qué?. ¿Tu maleta (2)______ ___________?

-Sí, y en ella estaba mi pasaporte y sin él no puedo (3)________(to return) a mi país.

-Vamos a (4)_________ (to see) lo que podemos hacer.

-Bueno, señorita, necesito(5) _______(to know) si ya llamó a la policía

-Si señor, la policía ya(6) ___ ____________.

-Benito, por favor llama un taxi.

-Está bien. Pero eso va a(7) ________ (to depend) si la policía llega pronto.

-Me pregunto cuándo construyeron este hotel.

-Eso es fácil, ahí dice que este hotel (8)_____ ___________ en 1975.

-Ahí viene la policía. Y traen tu maleta.

-¿Señor Lobo?

Sí, y esa es mi maleta ¿el ladrón la fue a (9)_________?(to return an object)

Sí, esta maleta (10)_______ _________ en el Aeropuerto de Oruro anoche.



1. Como estas

2. La perdistes

3. Regresar

4. A ver

5. Saber

6. Lo sabe

7. Depender

8. Fue construido

9. Devolver

10. La perdi

Look at the following Chinese characters and translate them into English.(65%)
such as:
The following is in Korean, please write in English.(20%)
Translate Japanese to English.(15%)
Additional questions (Spanish) (8%)
4.Ventilador eléctrico=
5.Idiomas del mundo=
6.Zapatos de baloncesto=
7.pequeño cambio=



电影 → Movie

电影院 → Cinema

自行车 → Bike

.数学 → Maths

手机 → Phone

英语 → English

老师 → Teacher

鲜花 → Flowers

钱 → Money

猫 → Cat

1狗 → Dod


수박 → Watermelon

집 → House

컴퓨터 → Computer


ドッグフード → Dogfood

アイスクリーム → Icecream


Hombre → Man

Mujer → Woman

Casa → House

Ventilador eléctrico → Electric fan

Diomas del mundo → World languages

Zapatos de baloncesto → Basketball shoes

Pequeño cambio → Small change

Jardín → Garden

根を手をつるチンつつある意味ではないけど明日こそありがとうございます。라디오 속 시원히 풀 라인업을 구축해 더욱 관심을 집중시킨다 등 각종 혜택을

According to a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday, the delta strain is more contagious than MERS and SARS, and is as contagious as chicken pox, with an average of 8 to 9 people infected per patient. The document estimates that out of 162 million people vaccinated in the United States, 35,000 will develop symptoms of infection each week





Violent crimes in many parts of the United States have surged recently, and New York State has even declared a state of emergency. US President Biden also held a meeting at the White House recently to discuss countermeasures and called for the formulation of a national crime prevention policy.

U.S. media and experts believe that the recent surge in violent crime is due to the intertwined and superposition of multiple factors such as the weak economy, the continuous epidemic and the proliferation of guns, which has exacerbated social contradictions. It is doubtful how effective the White House's "prescription" can be in treating America's persistent "violent disease".


s this a question or an good awarness

help me kjxdngfjekrngkjdshgsbfkj



when the view becomes a law is the answer


A. when the view is held by two people

Select the correct answer.
Which institution initiates the process of socialization in a child's life?
OC. community
OD. family




because family must be the first learner and mom is the first teacher

चोरी की घटनाओं के कारण मुहल्ले की सुरक्षा हेतु पत्र



चोरी की घटनाओं के कारण मुहल्ले की सुरक्षा हेतु पत्र

如果你要向别人介绍自己,你打算怎么说?giải giúp với ạ


你好我的名字叫 ______ 你的名字叫色么?

izinto abazali ababhekene nazo eskhathini samanje​



Things parents are experiencing in the present


That is the translation.

Highlight five ways in which social media influence modern parenting​




this might help

1. A. 有您我身边,我可安心多了。

B. 一开学,咱们就要安心下来学习了。

C. 小宋总是不安心自己的工作。

D. 我也想写文章,可就是安心不了。




Why do you need to have empathy when working in a hospital



you need to have empathy when working in a hospital because hospital is a place where a person comes to treat someone or either he himself and it's the place where a person can be free from different types of diseases but apart from the happiness of being free from a disease one also have to pay a lot for the treatment and it can cost a little or it may cost the whole earnings and the savings of one's life so , in that condition if we help them a little in the name of humanity it's good for us and we also need to have empathy that time

A poll in the United States found that 40 percent of unvaccinated Americans now believe vaccines pose a greater health threat than novel Coronavirus. The poll also showed that 50 percent of unvaccinated Americans said they would never get vaccinated. At least 190 million Americans have now received one or two doses of the vaccine, according to data tracked by the Washington Post. Anti-vaccine groups continue to exert influence both online and offline, and scenes like this one on the streets of The United States may illustrate the growing divide



Yeah, of course. That's right!.

It is not happening only in the United States, it's happening everywhere

The TV report about working conditions brought us a lot of bad _____.

Select one:
a. exhibitions
b. equities
c. publicity
d. management


Brought us a lot of bad publicity.

The only one that make sense
C. Publicity
Please like

Why does our face look red after doing an active exercise but pale when feeling cold?


Our blood rate goes high after exercising because of your heart rate boosting.
In the winter, the amount of UV radiation reduces significantly making you appear pale.
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