When data files are sourced from a computer-assisted questionnaire software program. The data files can be downloaded at the researcher's discretion, different formatting options can be used on the data files, and SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions)-readable files are also available.
For instance, the CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interview), CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) and CASI (Computer-Assisted Self Interview) software program collects data from potential targeted population in a survey. These data can be downloaded by the originator of the survey with its SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions)-readable files.
Also, if the researcher wishes to edit or format the data, it is very possible to achieve.
Suppose we have a JDBC Connection object c to a database, and this database has a relation R (name, address, phone) Columns name and address are of string type, while phone is an integer. The following objects are also declare: Statement s-null; q = "SELECT address, phone FROM R" + "WHERE name = 'Bill Gates' ". ng Resultset r null; There are many methods that could be applied to the given variables. Whena method is applied to r, assume that it holds the result of query q. Then, identify a correct use of a method from the list below. oa) r s.executeQuery (q)i b) r-executeQuery(q) O) c) string a = t String (0); d) String x - r.getInt(1);
The correct answer is option A r s.executeQuery (q) ;
The execute Query() method is a method or technique derived from Statement class object. this type of method or techniques implements or executes the SQL query and returns the table in the way of Result Set object.
The Option B, C, and the D in this case is not correct.