he could use his mac book and let his friend use his mac book
Troy wants to list his technical skills on his résumé. What formatting would be best for that?
A)Block Format
B)Chronological Order
C)Bullet Form
D)Bold Text
Look at the image below
The output is 20.
The for loops adds the value of count to numA until the count variable reaches 8.
What is the difference between coding and programming your own system?
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
Coding and programming are the two most terms used in software development industries. Though, these terms are often used interchangeably. Coding refers to the process of translating and writing codes of one language and even from one language to another lanaguage. In the simplest term, it means writing code for an application.
Whereas programming refers to the process of developing an executable program that can produce output to a specific problem. In short words, we can say that programming finds solutions to the problems step by step and determine how should be solved.
When you write a simple code that just takes the name as input and print output on the screen. When you write a complete code to solve a problem, you are doing programming.
Look at the image below
Answer choices are:
The missing word is if.
For statements are used to iterate through objects, there is no object to iterate through with the code provided.
If you put while in the blank, an infinite loop will be created and there will be no output.
the if statement only makes sense.