Escribe un parrafo sobre esta idea.
i Expone y argumenta sobre ella.
(Causa & Efecto)

Debo estudiar...​


Answer 1
La ley de causa y efecto se basa en la idea de que toda acción provoca una reacción, una consecuencia o un resultado: cuando sucede A (causa) como consecuencia sucede B (efecto). Esta noción también tiene su contraparte: todo efecto está causado por una acción previa.

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que cambios relacionados con la democracia les gustaría ver en el pais o en la entidad ¿por que?​


No es el sponon forget to tell me when I get back home from work and I will let tee up when you ewwrtr come here rq I can

The following words have their letter in the wrong order. Rearrange the letters to spell the words correctly.


Not sure about the rest sorry

hola como estan los que tienen discord me pueden pasar por favor




hola como estas loldjdjd

Can some one help me?


1.servirles alli

3.San Antonio

4.aqui en Guanajuato


6.acompañar escuela

8.en comun


Ella (comer)
A. como
C. coma
D. come



If the question is in the present: come

Priderite: Comio

Imperfect: Comia

Conditional: Comeria

Future: Comera


Ella come it’s present tense

Plzz help
Rewrite the sentences to make them negative



1 pongo un vaso sobre la mesa

2) conozco a alguien en el restaurante

3) sirvo siempre los espaguetis

4) Si como el filete a la parrilla y la paella

5) Si pido la tarta de chocolate


:))) i'm from Spain uwu

Reflexive or Not Reflexive: Write R or NR to determine whether or not it is reflexive.

Te lavas las manos,
Nos acostamos a las nueve.
Ellos se despiertan a las siete.
Tú levantas a tu hermana.
Yo me cepillo los dientes.​




Te lavas las manos,  NR

Nos acostamos a las nueve.  NR

Ellos se despiertan a las siete.  R

Tú levantas a tu hermana.  NR

Yo me cepillo los dientes.​  R

Rewrite the sentence using direct object pronoun.

Voy a comprar unas maletas.



Voy a comprar las maletas


Yo iré comprar unas maletas.



objeto directo:  unas maleta

Espero que te sirva  :]

Help please put the correct form of an ir verb










costarlos escritorios means Cost them decks LOL

the correct answer is: cost/the desk

how to say birds fly as high as they can in spanish?​



Pájaros vuelan tan alto como pueden

"Tan alto como sea posible" can be used too if you want "as high as possible"

I need some help on this for all of them you use
I just don’t know which ones to use



1. nos

2. me

3. le

4. me

5. les

6. le

7. le

8. me

9. te

Hope this helped


Identify whether or not the sentences are reflexive by writing "R" or "NR” in the blanks





I need help with Spanish, please.
Put the words in the correct order. Make sure to conjugate the verbs, use the correct reflexive pronoun.


Todos los estudiantes nos bañamos siempre por la mañana.

U can delete los estudiantes if u want, i just added someone

¿Siempre entiendes tú lo que dice el profesor (what the teacher says)? —Sí, yo siempre _____ lo que dice (what he says).
a) entiendes
b) entiendo
c) entendemos
d) entienden


the answer is b) entiendo

real hasta la muerte baby ua brr


Ay dios mio, es el Myke Towers baby

please help me due today


1- es un billete de largo recorrido.
2- sale de la estacion de chamartin
3- sale de madrid a las 21.45
4- hora de llegada es a las 8.45
5- el bellete es de el 23.05
6- el billete costo 107 euros

Read each sentence carefully and select the option with the sentence written correctly las chicas





any photos? or text or context

Fill in the blank with the correct conditional tense verb. Each sentence is about
what you or someone would do if elected to receive a scholarship to the
international exchange program. Remember, there are some irregular
conditional tense forms.
Yo le
(escribir) una carta a la familia con quien viviría.





Yo le escribiría una carta a la familia con quién viviría.

Yaya hace los primeros hombres

Mito del pueblo kichwa del Napo (Ecuador)

Al principio, no lucía el sol ni había día. Vivíamos en plena oscuridad. Cuando amanecía era como una noche de luna. En esos tiempos de tinieblas ya existía Yaya. Yaya hizo de tierra a los primeros seres humanos.

Primero hizo unas bolas de arcilla y las dejó tapadas en una olla de barro, envueltas en copos de algodón en rama. Después dijo a su ayudante:

—¡Abre la olla!

El ayudante la abrió y miró en su interior. Vio una gran cantidad de hombrecitos que caminaban erguidos. Yaya les sopló su aliento en la coronilla y con el soplo les comunicó el espíritu de vida. Todos tenían pensamiento, sentido, palabra. Un diablo había observado la tarea de Yaya. Él también moldeó unos muñecos de arcilla, diciendo:

—¡Yo también haré mi gente!

Pero le salieron huanganas. Cuantas veces intentaba hacer personas, otras tantas, su esfuerzo resultaba inútil. Salían tapires, monos, venados, toda clase de animales. Otros diablos, que también habían visto lo que hacía Yaya, pensaron imitarle. Uno de ellos lo intentó y dijo:

—¡Voy a hacer mi gente! ¡Lo haré de la misma manera que Yaya! ¿Quién se cree que soy? Amasó unas figuras de arcilla y las tapó en una olla de barro. Al destapar la olla salieron serpientes en cantidades.

Otros diablos lo intentaron con similares resultados: salían grillos, sapos, sabandijas. Al final, los diablos se convencieron de que no tenían el poder de hacer a los hombres.

1.- Identifique a qué tipo de mito corresponde este relato.

2.- Releo el primer párrafo del mito y respondo:

a. ¿Quién es Yaya?

b. ¿Cómo se describe al mundo antes de que Yaya creara a los seres humanos?

c. ¿Qué otros relatos conoces en que se describe algo similar?

d. ¿Cómo explica la ciencia de qué manera eran el mundo y el Universo antes de la existencia de los seres humanos?

3.- A pesar de que al destapar la olla los hombres salieron erguidos, les faltaba algo. ¿Qué era? Lo expongo con mis propias palabras.

4.- Los animales fueron creados de manera distinta a los seres humanos. Explico por qué y cómo surgieron.

5.- Releo el texto, reflexiono y respondo:

a. ¿Qué enseñanza tiene este mito?

b. ¿De qué manera esa enseñanza contribuye a modelar el comportamiento de los integrantes del pueblo kichwa del Napo?


Yaya makes the first men

Myth of the Kichwa people of Napo (Ecuador)

At first, the sun did not shine and there was no day. We lived in complete darkness. When it dawned it was like a moonlit night. In those times of darkness Yaya already existed. Granny made the first human beings out of the ground.

First he made some balls of clay and left them covered in a clay pot, wrapped in flakes of cotton wool. Then he said to his assistant de el: "

Open the pot! "

The aide opened it and looked inside. He saw a lot of little men walking upright. Granny blew her breath on their heads and with her breath de ella she communicated the spirit of life. They all had thought, meaning, word. A devil had observed Granny's homework of her. He also molded some dolls out of clay, saying:

"I'll make my people too!"

But huanganas came out. How many times I have tried to make people, as many times, his effort was useless. Tapirs, monkeys, deer, all kinds of animals came out. Other devils, who had also seen what Yaya was doing, thought to imitate her. One of them tried and said, "I

'm going to make my people! "I'll do it the same way as Yaya! Who do you think I am? He kneaded some clay figures and covered them in a clay pot. When the pot was uncovered, snakes came out in quantities.

Other devils tried it with similar results: crickets, toads, vermin came out. In the end, the devils were convinced that they did not have the power to make men.

1.- Identify what type of myth this story corresponds to.

2.- I reread the first paragraph of the myth and answer:

to. Who is Yaya?

b. How is the world described before Yaya created human beings?

c. What other stories do you know in which something similar is described?

d. How does science explain in what way the world and the Universe were before the existence of human beings?

3.- Although the men came out erect when they uncovered the pot, something was missing. What was it? I put it in my own words.

4.- Animals were created differently from human beings. I explain why and how they arose.

5.- I reread the text, reflect and answer:

to. What teaching does this myth have?

b. In what way does this teaching help to shape the behavior of the members of the Kichwa people of Napo?

2.-¿Qué características tienen las leyendas?
3.-¿Cómo se transmiten?
4.-¿Qué temas tratan?
5.- Qué es una obra de teatro?
6.- ¿Cómo se escenifican?
7.- ¿Para qué se utilizan las acotaciones?
8.- ¿Qué leyendas recuerdas que te hayan contado?
9.- Escribe una leyenda que te haya contado.




1. Una leyenda es una narración de hechos sobrenaturales, naturales o una mezcla de ambos que se transmite de generación en generación en forma oral o escrita. Generalmente, el relato se sitúa de forma imprecisa entre el mito y el suceso verídico, lo que le confiere cierta singularidad.

2.Es una narración basada en personajes o hechos históricos que provienen de tradiciones orales muy antiguas,que se han transformado a través del tiempo. Se transmite habitualmente de generación en generación, casi siempre de manera oral.

3. Una leyenda es un relato que se transmite por tradición oral, el cual combina elementos reales con elementos imaginarios o maravillosos, enmarcados en un contexto geográfico e histórico concreto

4. Los temas que se pueden tratar en las leyendas pueden ser fantasiosos, realistas, terroríficos o de miedo, relacionados a la historia, la guerra, los descubrimientos, las conquistas de pueblos, la naturaleza, ríos, lagos, laguna, montaña, playas, las creencias o doctrinas, los extraterrestres, el inframundo, el.

5. Una obra teatral es un género literario cuyo texto está constituido normalmente por diálogos entre personajes y con un cierto orden, susceptible de representación escénica. En su puesta en escena pueden combinarse, discursos, diálogos, mímica, música, coreografía, y otras formas de expresión artística.

6. Escenificación es disponer de la escena para representar una obra de teatro o filmar una película. En toda puesta en escena o representación teatral hay varios factores que deben tenerse en cuenta al realizar el estudio del trabajo o de la mesa que precede al montaje del trabajo.

7. Una acotación es una puntualización, observación o explicación, y designa la acción y efecto de acotar. ... En este sentido, las acotaciones son útiles para ayudarnos a entender un texto, pues mediante observaciones o explicaciones de asuntos alusivos al tema principal nos pueden aclarar el sentido de ciertos pasajes.

8. La llorona

9. Se cuenta que La Llorona es una mujer que deambula por las calles de la Ciudad de México en busca de sus hijos, a los que ella misma asesinó, enloquecida, durante una noche. ... También se dice que es una mujer muy bella vestida de blanco.

Lee el texto y responde las preguntas:
¿Por qué crees que el término últimamente es muy utilizado en todo el mundo?

¿Se dice que una persona es persistente, cuando?

¿Qué significa para ti la palabra pensamiento positivo?

¿Cuál es tu concepto de autoestima?

La palabra emprendimiento proviene del francés………………., que significa………………………………….
AYUDA ES PARA HOY!!!! es urgente, es hasta a las 5:00 pm ayuda los que no saben no escriban




¿Por qué crees que el término últimamente es muy utilizado en todo el mundo?

Porque es un tema de moda en el mundo

¿Se dice que una persona es persistente, cuando?

No cesa en su propósito

¿Qué significa para ti la palabra pensamiento positivo?

Que siempre se piensa que se va a lograr lo que se propone

¿Cuál es tu concepto de autoestima?

Es el valor que uno mismo se da a partir de una autocrítica

La palabra emprendimiento proviene del francés…………entrepreneur……., que significa………… personas que compran mercancías a bajo precio para luego revenderlas, obteniendo un buen margen de utilidad……………………….

(10 points) can someone help with both A and B sections of the page. I need the answers ASAP thank youuu <3



I dont know how to do the excercice A, sorry


1. yo estaba en mi cuarto cuando sonó el teléfono

2. yo entré datos en la computadora cuando tú me llamaste

3. Mis padres no oyeron el teléfono porque estaban...

4. yo hablé contigo cuando mi madre subió a mi cuarto

5. ella me preguntó con quién yo hablaba

6. yo le contesté que hablé con una amiga

Completa el párrafo con el verbo correcto del PRETÉRITO o el IMPERFECTO. SOLAMENTE escribe el VERBO conjugado y MINÚSCULO (lowercase!).

Puedes usar esto para usar en tu respuesta: á é í ó ú ñ

…Muy de prisa, Guau, el perro, (correr) 1._______ a la habitación de Pablito. Otra vez, el niño (gritar) 2._______ ¡Socorro! Finalmente, Guau (poder) 3._______ entrar a la habitación. ¡El niño (estar) 4._______ vivo! Guau, (rescatar) 5._______ al niño. Por fin, (llegar) 6._______ los bomberos y la policía al edificio de apartamentos. Los bomberos (poner) 7._______ una escalera cerca de la ventana de la habitación de Pablito. El niño y el perrito (bajar) 8._______ la escalera de prisa. Los dos (escaparse) 9._______ del incendio.
Completa el párrafo con el verbo correcto del PRETÉRITO o el IMPERFECTO. SOLAMENTE escribe el VERBO conjugado y MINÚSCULO (lowercase!).

Puedes usar esto para usar en tu respuesta: á é í ó ú ñ

Desafortunadamente, el incendio (destruir) 1._______ todo el edificio de apartamentos… pero afortunadamente nadie (morir) 2._______ . Sí, (haber) 3._______ varias personas heridas. Pero las heridas (estar) 4._______ felices porque no murieron en el incendio. Los bomberos (apagar) 5._______ el incendio rápidamente. Sin duda, el perrito valiente recibirá una medalla. Al día siguiente, un noticiero de televisión (anunciar) 6._______ que Guau (ser) 7._______ el perro más valiente de todo el mundo. Guau (ser) 8._______ un verdadero héroe.


1. Corrió
3. Pudo
4. Estaba
7. Pusieron
8. Bajaron
9. Escaparon

1. Destruyó
2. Murió
3. Hubo
5. Apagaron
6. Anuncio
7. Será
8. Será

Helppppsshdhdhhfhdjdjsj please


1. Tú saldrás temprano de casa.
2. Mi hermana pondrá la mesa.
3. Yo pondré los globos en la sala.
4. Los invitados vendrán a las siete.
5. Todos dirán “¡ Feliz Cumpleaños !”
6. Nosotros daremos muchos regalos.
tú saliste temprano de casa
mi hermana pone la mesa
yo pongo los globos en la sala
los invitados vienen a las siete
todos decís, <¡feliz cumpleaños!> (not positive)
nosotros demos muchos regalos
(just a precaution, i’m not fully positive if i’m right!”

According to the information in the passage, how can you improve your Spanish vocabulary quickly and easily?
Words That Are Spelled Similarly in English & Spanish
Since there are about 20,000 Spanish-English cognates (words that are spelled similarly in both languages), recognizing cognates is an excellent way to learn new words, without having to memorize them. Let's talk about ways you can recognize some cognates when you are reading unfamiliar words. Spelling patterns can help you identify Spanish cognates that are spelled slightly differently from the English word. Some of the most common patterns are reviewed below.



You can improve your vocabulary by reading books, also you can find similarities between words in spanish and words in english like

English         Spanish

Accidental Accidental

Actor Actor

Admirable Admirable

You can see more words like this in this page

El pasaporte es

O un licencia de auto
O un mapa
O una forma de identificación
O tipo de comida


Una forma de identificación

What do yall think about poetry? Reply in spansih plz



Creo que la poesía puede ser muy genial. Puede hacerte feliz y puede ponerte triste. Es una gran forma de contar una historia y una gran forma de autoexpresión.


Hope this helps :)

Read and choose the correct option with the stem-changing verb in the preterite .

Niece ________ (sleeping) with her teddy bear while waiting for her flight. (1 point)

i slept








durmió (slept). ccc.

Ayer yo _____ fútbol.


I think the answer is Practiqué
The answer is practique
Other Questions
PLEASE HELP 20 points Mettez les verbes au futur simple.1. Il ne................. (vouloir) pas attendre ses amis. (voudra/veut/voudrai) 2. Quand.. (partir)-nous? (partons/partirons/partirions)3. Tu............. (tre) de bonne humeur. (est/seras/sera)4. Elle ne (pouvoir) pas sortir le soir. (peut/pourra/pouvra) 5. Vous (promener)-vous chaque dimanche ? (promnez/promenez/promnerez)6. Je n'. (envoyer) pas cette lettre. (enverrai/envoie/enverra)7. Nous. (faire) du ski. (faisons/ferons/faites)8. Vous (obtenir) de bonnes notes. (obtenez/obtiendrez/avez obtenu)9. Elle (acheter) des disques franais. (achte/achterait/achtera)10. Demain ma famille............... (clbrer) l'anniversaire de la grand-mre. (clbrera/clbre/a 11. II. (falloir) informer ses parents. (faudra/faut/a fallu)12. Le rveil. ......... (sonner) sept heures prcises. (sonnes/sonne/sonnera)13. Demain, je. ............(se lever) plus tt. (me lve/me lverai/me suis lve) 14. Je n................. (oublier) pas d'apporter ce livre. (oublierai/oubli/pas oublier)15..................... (tlphoner) aprs les cours. (tlphone/vais tlphoner/tlphonerai)16. Nous. (travailler) la bibliothque jusqu' dix heures du soir. (travaillons/travaillerons/travail17. Tu ........(faire) tout ce que tu dois faire. (fais/ferras/feras)18. Je ........(prendre) le train. (prendrai/prendra/prends)19. L'anne prochaine il.................. (faire) un long voyage, il. l'tranger. (fait/fera/a fait)/ (voit/verra/a vu)/(va/ira/irait) (voir) plusieurs villes, il20. Elle...................... (tre) mdecin. (est/sera/serait) What fraction is shown on the number line?01 You may need to use the appropriate technology to answer this question.Health insurance benefits vary by the size of the company. The sample data below show the number of companies providing health insurance for small, medium, and large companies. For purposes of this study, small companies are companies that have fewer than 100 employees. Medium-sized companies have 100 to 999 employees, and large companies have 1,000 or more employees.The questionnaire sent to 225 employees asked whether or not the employee had health insurance and then asked the employee to indicate the size of the company.Health Insurance Size of the Company Small Medium LargeYes 30 59 82No 20 16 18(a) Conduct a test of independence to determine whether health insurance coverage is independent of the size of the company.State the null and alternative hypotheses.H0: Having health insurance is not independent of the size of the company.Ha: Having health insurance is independent of the size of the company. H0: Having health insurance is not independent of the size of the company.Ha: The proportion of companies with health insurance benefits is not equal for small, medium and large companies. H0: Having health insurance is independent of the size of the company.Ha: The proportion of companies with health insurance benefits is equal for small, medium and large companies.H0: Having health insurance is independent of the size of the company.Ha: Having health insurance is not independent of the size of the company.Find the value of the test statistic. (Round your answer to three decimal places.)What is the p-value? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)p-value =Using a 0.05 level of significance, what is your conclusion?Do not reject H0. We cannot conclude health insurance coverage and the size of the company are not independent.Do not reject H0. We cannot conclude health insurance coverage is independent of the size of the company. Reject H0. We conclude health insurance coverage is independent of the size of the company. Reject H0. We conclude health insurance coverage is not independent of the size of the company.(b) A newspaper article indicated employees of small companies are more likely to lack health insurance coverage. Use percentages based on the above data to support this conclusion. (Round your answers to the nearest integer.)For small companies, % do not provide health insurance. For medium companies, % do not provide health insurance. For large companies, % do not provide health insurance. These percentages support the conclusion that small companies are ---Select--- less more equally likely to provide health insurance coverage when compared to medium and large companies. Round 684,321 to the nearest hundred thousand. One of the alternative forms of a gene that governs a characteristic. Can be seen as AA, Aa, aa A.Genotype B.Genetic VariationC. Phenotype D.Gene Thomas wants to spend no more than $25.50 movies and CDs. If he buys a movie for $9.50 and the CDs cost $5.00, how many CDs can Thomas purchase? twice y is at most 29 1) 17, 29, 32, 9, 30, 14, 8, 39, 11, 32, 23Minimum :Maximum:Q1:Q2:Q3: please help!! -will award brainliest A. infinite set of points on the lineB. {} or empty set C. point in quadrant 2 If R is inversely proportional to A, and R = 4 when A = 100, what is the value of R when A = 250 A : .625 B : 1.6 C : 10 D : 6,250 How many electrons are in the highest occupied energy level of a neutral chlorine atom? Find the values of x and y. Which of the following costumes would create the interpretation that a character cannot swim and is afraid to drown?A. A wet suit, flippers, and scuba gearB. Swim trunks and a t-shirtC. A life vest, water wings, inner tube around his waist, and a snorkelD. A suit of armor Tiffany earns an annual income of $55,000. After she pays taxes, her take home pay is $41,800. Whatpercentage of her annual income does Tiffany pay in taxes? How would you categorize the question, "Who was the first person to walk on the moonfocusessential questionnon-essential question no links Multiple ChoiceComposers such as Philip Glass and Steve Reich utilize which of the following techniques to create Modern-era music? A. solo opera performers B. unusual combinations of instruments C. compositions for the harpsichord D. involved technical compositions I did not realize that I took my routine and school day for granted until now.School is a place for building friendships, learning responsibility, and getting an escape from the house, but it seems as though the Coronavirus has taken that all away from us. For me, I loved getting to see my friends everyday in the school environment. Now that its taken away from me, I realize now that school was my main source of communicating with people. Now I feel as though Im losing friendships I had at school since we cant go anymore. School also taught us responsibility. I had a schedule when going to classes and when to wake up and go to bed. Now that I have no reason to have a schedule, I have been going to bed and waking up much later than I used to. There also seems to be a lack of motivation for me now to accomplish tasks because at school, we were given an hour and a half each day to get work done in class but now I keep pushing assignments back until the last second. This definitely wont be beneficial to my work ethic in the upcoming senior year for me Thanks to the Coronavirus, I have decided to make every moment of my senior year count and not take it for granted as I did for the past three years of high school.I did not realize that I took my routine and school day for granted until now. My online school day consists of waking up at 10 am instead of 6 am, working on my laptop in my bed instead of a classroom, and now I make my own schedule. While this sounds pretty enjoyable for any teenager, it has made me miss school. I miss walking down the hallways with my friends. I miss sitting in a classroom with a teacher and other students, having discussions and asking questions. I miss the loud and crazy lunchroom. I truly miss things I didnt even know that I loved about my school. If you had told me a few months ago that I would be praying to go to school, I wouldve laughed and called you crazy, but I would do anything to go back to my school.Something I find really special about my high school is that we are really focused on student-centered learning. We use a Harkness-style teaching method where all the students and the teacher sit at a round table together and instead of learning through lecturing, we learn from each other. Peer-to-peer interaction is a really pivotal part of education at my school, and it feels like it falls so short in our distance learning. We use Zoom and can see one another and our teacher, but everyone is always muted so as not to interfere with background noise. Our classes have been cut down by ten minutes and instead of having six classes a day, we only have three or four classes synchronously. I feel like my education is not being fulfilled. I have a significant lack of motivation and I miss the thought-provoking discussions I used to have with my classmates during physical school. I am really anxious to get back to school and really foster my love of learning through my peers.The workload has been overwhelming.Oh my goodness Why there is so much homework? This was my first reaction to online study as I looked at the homework checklist. Due to the outbreak, most activities, including daily clubs, are canceled at present, thus we do not have much to do at home. At least teachers believe so; therefore, tons of homework overwhelms us everyday. However, we actually get much to do everyday besides homework: standardized tests, such as TOEFL, SAT, AP, etc., needed to be prepared; activities that could be done indoor had to be completed Homework is the straw which breaks the camels back. How I hope that assignment could be a little less and more time could be controllable by ourselves! I am now in China. Online study has already taken place for 2 months so far. Sometimes I really wish to go back to school having lessons face to face with teachers and classmates. School is not only a place for study, but a place to prepare us for future life when we embark upon complicated society and interpersonal relationship. Online education cannot replace school system thoroughly in this aspect. I really miss normal school days. Is the day of returning far?The workload has been overwhelming. The thought process of my teachers seems to be Oh they have all of this free time now, so I can assign them more work than I normally would. Or at least something along the lines of that, because my teachers havent let up one bit. Thats been the most challenging part of remote learning, because I get easily distracted when I try to work in my house, and that I have even more work than normal, its challenging to get everything done. I have been able to keep up with what weve been learning for the most part, but it would be nice to have a teacher that could answer my questions and help me in person. Which counts as a member of the fruit group? A. Rice B. Chicken C. Apple Juice D. Milk LAST QUESTION NEED HELP ASAP IM TIMED