Going to the supreme court.
If the state who is targeting a group of people, they have to achieve justice by going to the high court first or supreme court because supreme court has the authority to resolve disputes between two groups on the basis of justice. The supreme court has the authority to stop the state from targeting the specific group of people so the people has the option to go to the court for achieving justice.
A small cruise ship struck a whale swimming underwater, causing the ship to suddenly lurch sideways. A passenger on the ship who was walking down a corridor lost his balance and bumped his head on the edge of a doorway. Because of a previously existing medical condition that made him susceptible to bleeding on the brain, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and permanent mental impairment, despite prompt medical attention on the ship. The passenger brought suit against the cruise ship owner for his damages. At trial, the passenger presented evidence of how he was injured as he walked down the hallway, his previous medical condition, and his medical expenses and other damages. The cruise ship owner presented evidence that the cruise ship was following its approved route and that the whale could not have been detected before impact, and that the bump would not have injured someone in ordinary health. At the close of the evidence, the cruise ship owner moved for a directed verdict. How should the court rule
A. Grant the motion, because there is no evidence that the crew operated the ship negligently.
The cruse ship owner's request for a directed verdict should be granted because from the evidences produced by two parties, there is no established piece of evidence that the passenger's permanent state has of health resulting from his fall while walking through the passage of the cruise ship was due to the cruise ship's negligent control or operation. The supporting evidences are so clear that the issuing a directed verdict in this case is logical as no reasonable jury presented with the evidences produced would rule otherwise.
The purpose of hazard lights is to _____.
A. notify emergency
vehicles to stop and help you
B. warn other drivers to stay away from you
C. show other drivers that your vehicle is disabled
D. show other drivers where your vehicle is
C. show other drivers that your vehicle is disabled
A vehicle's hazard lights are there to show other drivers that your vehicle is disabled. In other words, it lets all the other drivers passing near you that you are having an emergency situation with your vehicle and to be careful when passing near you. Regardless of what the nature of your emergency is, the drivers will see the four turn signals blinking at the same time and know to be careful when passing your vehicle. The emergency could be electrical problems, flat tire, mechanical problems, no brakes, bad visibility, etc.
Article VII of the constitution describeds?
how the U.S Constitution would be ratified.
A constitution refers to a set of written laws and principles which is typically used to determine the power and authority of the government, as well as guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens.
Hence, the Constitution is a formally written document that contains the set of laws that we live by in the United States of America. It guarantees certain rights to the federal government and the states such as right to taxation, regulate interstate commerce, declare war, borrow money, provide for the military forces, etc.
Basically, the Constitution accords powers to the national or federal government and these includes; enumerated or delegated, reflected, and concurrent powers.
Article VII is an article of the US Constitution and it is referred to as special state ratifying convention. Thus, it describes the ratification process for the Constitution of the United States of America by establishing that the Constitution shall be enacted by the U.S Congress to become the official law of the ratifying states when it's ratified by nine (9) states among the thirteen (13) states.
On the 7th of December, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S Constitution while New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify it, doing so on the 21st of June, 1788.
In conclusion, Article VII of the Constitution of the United States of America describes how the Constitution would be ratified by the states.
Select the correct answer.
John is a successful businessman. He always maintains a high bank balance. Hence the bank pays him interest. John uses this account frequently for various purchases. What type of bank account does John have?
checking account
money market account
savings account
certificate of deposit
interest-bearing checking account
E. interest-bearing checking account
This also gives you the chance to make withdrawal