hi need help with correction :)
6. Clean the house: my translation: Limpiar la casa
teachers messahe: Limpiar is the infinitive. What is the command form of this verb?
Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative or negative command, depending on if no is present. If no is present in the example, make the command negative. If there is not a no in the example, please form the command in the affirmative.
7. Sacar a los perros: No sacar al perro.
teachers message: This sentence did not have a no in the example and so wants the affirmative command for this verb
9. Lavar la ropa: No laves el culo de la ropa
teachers message same thing here, please give the affirmative command
thank you!!
Answer 1
6. Limpia la casa
7. Saca a los perros.
9. Lava la ropa
The teacher was asking for the command version of the verb (I think) so those are the commands...