Me good and you?
which sentence provides the Best conclusion for this narrative paragraph?
Where is the paragraph and the sentences
When Mike came into the house he was fuming. "Someone broke into my truck and stole my tools!" he yelled. Mike was a carpenter, and without his tools he couldn't work. Mike's mom immediately picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1 to report the theft. Then Mike called his boss to tell him what had happened.
The police arrived in a few minutes to investigate. Mike kept his tools in the back of his truck, which was covered by a camper top. Unfortunately, it had a simple lock, and the thief had used a screwdriver to pry it open.
The police officer shook her head. "We see a lot of people in the construction trades get their tools stolen," she said. "Because they are always using their tools, they leave them unsecured in their vehicles. That makes it easy for thieves." She suggested Mike get a better lock for the camper top and cover his tools with a tarp. "You made it too easy for a thief. Your safest bet is to park your truck in the garage."
What is the main theme of this passage?
Secure your belongings to prevent theft.
Thieves like carpenters because they have tools.
Mike and his mom live in a bad neighborhood.
Answer: A
ich hasse dich
ich hasse dich is how you say hate you in German
I hate you in german is ich hasse dich
Uzupełnij tekst historyjki odpowiednimi literami - w wykropkowane miejsca wpisz ch lub h. Luki uzupełnij dowolnymi nazwami zwierząt zawierającymi ch lub h.
prosił bym o odpowieć do 14:30
... ytry i egoistyczny na co dzień ......................dokonał bo...aterskiego czynu. Ocalił ...udego ............................ przed o...ydnym i ...aniebnym atakiem ........................... .
Na widok zagrożenia, nie bacz ąc na niebezpieczeństwo, zaczął wydawać ...ałaśliwe dźwięki, co odstraszyło pe..owego drapieżnika.
Uzupełnij tekst historyjki odpowiednimi literami - w wykropkowane miejsca wpisz ch lub h. Luki uzupełnij dowolnymi nazwami zwierząt zawierającymi ch lub h.
prosił bym o odpowieć do 14:30
... ytry i egoistyczny na co dzień ......................dokonał bo...aterskiego czynu. Ocalił ...udego ............................ przed o...ydnym i ...aniebnym atakiem ........................... .
Na widok zagrożenia, nie bacz ąc na niebezpieczeństwo, zaczął wydawać ...ałaśliwe dźwięki, co odstraszyło pe..owego drapieżnika.
Should English be the global language?
ಜಾಗತೀಕರಣ ಪ್ರಬಂಧ plz help
compunere despre primăvara
Compunere – Primăvara
Se aud glasurile duioase ale păsărelelor. Își vestesc una alteia bucuria venirii primăverii. Zboară de pe un ram pe altul, căutând-și cuibul. Pomii, stropiți cu flori plăpânde își lasă crengile purtate de adierea blândă a vântului. Razele domoale ale soarelelui mângâie primii muguri ce dau să pocnească și își scot la iveală verdele crud, iar firul ierbii se frânge sub greutatea picăturilor de rouă.