The moment of inertia is basically a physical quantity which describes how easy it is for a body to rotate itself around a given axis.
In easier wording: Moment of Inertia is a body and when it starts rotating or moving, it will keep doing so until we stop it by force.
For example, a car that is moving and active will continue to move even if you were to switch the engine off.
Suppose we have 999 records of employees Emp1, Emp2, Emp5, Emp6 and so on up to Emp998 and Emp999 stored in a sequence. Hence, records are nothing but a row in the table. In the employee table, we want to insert new records Emp3 and Emp4 in the sequence, and once we have done insertion we need to update and retrieve the record efficiently to optimize the performance of a database by minimizing the access time when query is being executed.
The records in the table represents the employee ID of each employee. Assume the table name is EMPLOYEES and the field name of employee IDs is ID, the following SQL query inserts Emp3 and Emp4 into the employees table.
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID) values (Emp3), (Emp4)
The complete question requires that we list the pros and cons of solving the problem using Index sequential access method (ISAM).
The advantage of using ISAM is that priorities are given to the indices of the records being inserted. So, Emp3 and Emp4 will be inserted immediately after Emp2.
However, a major disadvantage of using ISAM is that it is very expensive to keep the indices in a sequential order;
See attachment for the illustration of Index sequential access method (ISAM).
Read more about Index sequential access method (ISAM) at: