Continue to develop the site content as directed in milestone 4. At this point, at least 3 of the pages for the site should be completed. Use the knowledge gained in this week's lecture and Lab to create a user feedback form. Include all necessary controls (text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, text areas, dropdown lists, and buttons) to allow the user to effectively interact with the form. You can choose the type of input control for each question, but your feedback form will have at least five feedback questions. Use CSS to control the layout of the form. Include reset and submit buttons with the form. The reset button should clear the form and the submit button should load a "Your information has been received" page. Move all site and page level styles to an external CSS file. Upon completion of this step, zip up all of the files for the site into one single file and submit the file.
Grading Rubric
Category Points % Description
Content completed on at least
three pages 9 20 Content on pages is visible
Form created and CSS used for the layout
of the form 9 20 As per milestone spec
All necessary form controls used
as appropriate 9 20 Required site evaluation options present
Buttons (submit/reset) included 9 20 Submit button linked to form action;
reset clear forms
External CSS file 9 20 Site managed by an external CSS file
Total 45 100 A quality project will meet or exceed
all of the above requirements
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.


Answer 1


This is createing a responsive website form for clients.


Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript or python to create an interactive, dynamic website. The html file is used to structure the layout of the website Dom , the CSS, also known as cascaded style sheet is using to style the created web pages. The CSS libraries and frameworks like sass, less and bootstraps can be used for convenience and speed. The JavaScript file is used to manipulate the Dom, creating an interactive site. Python libraries likes flask are used for backend development routing to create dynamic contents and web pages.

Related Questions

The management wants to you to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the average relative skill of all teams in 2013-2015. To construct a confidence interval, you will need the mean and standard error of the relative skill level in these years. The code block below calculates the mean and the standard deviation. Your edits will calculate the standard error and the confidence interval. Make the following edits to the code block below:Replace ??SD_VARIABLE?? with the variable name representing the standard deviation of relative skill of all teams from your years. (Hint: the standard deviation variable is in the code block below)Replace ??CL?? with the confidence level of the confidence interval.Replace ??MEAN_VARIABLE?? with the variable name representing the mean relative skill of all teams from your years. (Hint: the mean variable is in the code block below)Replace ??SE_VARIABLE?? with the variable name representing the standard error. (Hint: the standard error variable is in the code block below)The management also wants you to calculate the probability that a team in the league has a relative skill level less than that of the team that you picked. Assuming that the relative skill of teams is Normally distributed, Python methods for a Normal distribution can be used to answer this question. The code block below uses two of these Python methods. Your task is to identify the correct Python method and report the probability.print("Confidence Interval for Average Relative Skill in the years 2013 to 2015")print("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")# Mean relative skill of all teams from the years 2013-2015mean = your_years_leagues_df['elo_n'].mean()# Standard deviation of the relative skill of all teams from the years 2013-2015stdev = your_years_leagues_df['elo_n'].std()n = len(your_years_leagues_df)#Confidence interval# ---- TODO: make your edits here ----stderr = ??SD_Variable?? (n ** 0.5)conf_int_95 = st.norm.interval(??CL??,??MEAN_VARIABLE??,??SE_VARIABLE??)print("95% confidence interval (unrounded) for Average Relative Skill (ELO) in the years 2013 to 2015 =", conf_int_95)print("95% confidence interval (rounded) for Average Relative Skill (ELO) in the years 2013 to 2015 = (", round(conf_int_95[0], 2),",", round(conf_int_95[1], 2),")")print("\n")print("Probability a team has Average Relative Skill LESS than the Average Relative Skill (ELO) of your team in the years 2013 to 2015")print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")mean_elo_your_team = your_team_df['elo_n'].mean()choice1 = st.norm.sf(mean_elo_your_team, mean, stdev)choice2 = st.norm.cdf(mean_elo_your_team, mean, stdev)# Pick the correct answer.print("Which of the two choices is correct?")print("Choice 1 =", round(choice1,4))print("Choice 2 =", round(choice2,4))




print("Confidence Interval for Average Relative Skill in the years 2013 to 2015")


# Mean relative skill of all teams from the years 2013-2015

mean = your_years_leagues_df['elo_n'].mean()

# Standard deviation of the relative skill of all teams from the years 2013-2015

stdev = your_years_leagues_df['elo_n'].std()

n = len(your_years_leagues_df)

#Confidence interval

stderr = stdev/(n ** 0.5) # variable stdev is the calculated the standard deviation of the relative skill of all teams from the years 2013-2015

# Calculate the confidence interval

# Confidence level is 95% => 0.95

# variable mean is the calculated the mean relative skill of all teams from the years 2013-20154

# variable stderr is the calculated the standard error

conf_int_95 = st.norm.interval(0.95, mean, stderr)

print("95% confidence interval (unrounded) for Average Relative Skill (ELO) in the years 2013 to 2015 =", conf_int_95)

print("95% confidence interval (rounded) for Average Relative Skill (ELO) in the years 2013 to 2015 = (", round(conf_int_95[0], 2),",", round(conf_int_95[1], 2),")")


print("Probability a team has Average Relative Skill LESS than the Average Relative Skill (ELO) of your team in the years 2013 to 2015")


mean_elo_your_team = your_team_df['elo_n'].mean()

# Calculates the probability a Team has Average Relative Skill GREATER than or equal to the Average Relative Skill (ELO) of your team in the years 2013 to 2015

choice1 = st.norm.sf(mean_elo_your_team, mean, stdev)

# Calculates the probability a Team has Average Relative Skill LESS than or equal to the Average Relative Skill (ELO) of your team in the years 2013 to 2015

choice2 = st.norm.cdf(mean_elo_your_team, mean, stdev)

# Pick the correct answer.

print("Which of the two choices is correct?")

print("Choice 1 =", round(choice1,4))

print("Choice 2 =", round(choice2,4)) # This is correct

Implement a Java program using simple console input & output and logical control structures such that the program prompts the user to enter a 5 digit integer as input and does the following tasksThe program checks whether the input number is a palindrome or not and prints the result of this palindrome check. A number is a palindrome if it reads the same backward as forward. For example, each of the following five-digit integers is a palindrome: 12321, 55555, 45554 and 11611; whereas 12312, 55565, 45545 and 11621 are not a palindrome. Your program should print "The number is palindrome" or "The number is not palindrome" after checking the input number.The program checks whether the input number has 5 digits or not and prints the error message "Invalid number" if the input number is not a 5 digit one.I posted my code below, I think I have a good start with reversing the number but I'm not sure how to implement the portion of how to actually check if it is a palindrome.import java.util.Scanner;public class Problem2 {public static void main(String[] args){int number;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;System.out.println("Enter a positive integer between 1 and 5 digits long that you would like to test for a palindrome: ");num = in.nextInt();for( ;num != 0; ){reversenum = reversenum * 10;reversenum = reversenum + num%10;num = num/10;



import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.regex.*;

public class Problem2 {

   public static void main(String[] args)


       int number;

       Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Enter a positive integer with exactly 5 digits long that you would like to test for a palindrome: ");

       String str = scanner.nextLine();

       int len = str.length();


       if (!Pattern.matches("^[1-9]\\d{4}$", str)) {

           System.out.println("Invalid number");

       } else {

           boolean isPalindrome = true;

           for(int i=0; i<len/2; i++) {

               if (str.charAt(i) != str.charAt(len-i-1)) {

                   isPalindrome = false;




           if (isPalindrome) {

              System.out.println("The number is palindrome");  

           } else {

              System.out.println("The number is not palindrome");  






Even though the problem talks about numbers, a palindrome check is more about strings, so that's how I'd handle it. I check the validity of the input using a regular expression (note how I don't allow the number to start with a zero, you can change that if you want), and then I check for palindrome to iterating to only halfway the string, and checking the i-th position ffrom the start against the i-th position from the end. If there is no match, the loop is aborted.

See that also for even-length palindromes this will work.

Create two classes. The first, named Sale, holds data for a sales transaction. Its private data members include the day of the month, amount of the sale, and the salesperson's ID number. The second class, named Salesperson, holds data for a salesperson, and its private data members include each salesperson's ID number and last name. Each class includes a constructor to which you can pass the field values. Create a friend function named display()that is a friend of both classes and displays the date of sale, the amount, and the salesperson ID and name. Write a short main()demonstration program to test your classes and friend function.Sample Run
Sale #103 on 12/25/2016 for $559.95 sold by #103 Woods
Sale #106 on 11/15/2016 for $359.95 sold by #106 Hansen



A C++ program was used in creating two classes. the code is stated below.



The C++ program is executed below:


using namespace std;

//declare class (will be define later)

class Salesperson;

//class Sale

class Sale


  //private members of class


      string day;

      double amtOfSale;

      int salesPersonId;

 //public methods


      //constructor that takes day,amount of sale and salesPersonId as parameters

      Sale(string date,double sale,int id)


          //set the private members to the initial values passed





      //declare a friend function that takes objects of the two classes as parameters

      friend void display(Sale,Salesperson);


//define class Salesperson

class Salesperson


  //private members of the class


      int salesPersonId;

      string lastName;    

  //public methods


      //constructor that takes name and id as parameters

      Salesperson(int id,string name)


          //set the members of the class with the parameters passed




      //declare a friend function that takes objects of the two classes as parameters

      friend void display(Sale,Salesperson);


//define the friend funtion

void display(Sale saleObj,Salesperson personObj)


  //display the sales info using the objects of the two classes

  cout<<"\nSale #"<<saleObj.salesPersonId<<" on "<<<<" for $"<<saleObj.amtOfSale<<" sold by #"<<personObj.salesPersonId<<" "<<personObj.lastName;


int main()


  //create object for Sale class and pass default values

  Sale sObj1("12/25/2016",559.95,103);

  //create object for Salesperson class and pass default values

  Salesperson pObj1(103,"Woods");


  //create another object for Sale class and pass default values

  Sale sObj2("11/15/2016",359.95,106);

  //create another object for Salesperson class and pass default values

  Salesperson pObj2(106,"Hansen");

  //using the friend function dislay the sales info



  return 0;


Write down the result of each expression in the output column and specify the datatype of the result.Datatype should follow the Java Standards. If the output is a String, surround it with " ";if the output is char surround it with ‘ ’. Floats should have an ‘f’ or ‘F’ at the end, longs should have an ‘L’ or ‘l’ at the end (generally avoid using lowercase ‘l’ because it can be confusing).



Kindly check the explanation section.


Below are the expression given in the question and the corresponding output and Datatype.

(1). Expression = 7/2 + 9.2/2.

Output = 7.6, Datatype = double

(2). Expression = 3.4 + 2 5 f.

Output = 5.9, Datatype = double.

(3). Expression = "whale" . Substring (2,5).

Output = "ale" , Datatype = string.

(4). Expression= (int) 9.2 + 6.0 f.

Output = 15.0 f, Datatype = float.

(5). Expression = (2 <= 1) && (5! = 2) || (8 + 5!= 13).

Output = false, Datatype = boolean

(6) Expression =1.5 f == 1.5?.

Output: “false” , Datatype : “true ”

Output = “false”,

Datatype= String.

(7). Expression = “joey”.charAtt(4).

Output = error, Datatype = error“.

(8). Expression = madmax”.

indexOf(“a”) + 7.

Output: 8 , Datatype = int.

(9). Expression = 2 + 3 + “catdog” + 1 + 2.

Output = “5catdog12”, Datatype = String.

(10). Expression = String.format(“%3.3f”,7.89672).

output = “7.897”, datatype = String.

(11). Expression = “captain”.indexOf(“a”, 2).

Output = 4, datatype = int.

(12). true ? ++3: 3++.

Output = error, dataty = error.

(13). Expression = new String[]{“tony”,“josh”}[0].

Output = “tony”, Datatype = String.

(14). Expression = “patrick”.substring(2) +“lucky”.substring(4).

Output = “tricky”, Datatype = String.

(15). Expression = “popFizz”.indexOf(“o”) + 2.4+ 6L.

Output9.4, Datatype = double.

(16). Expression = “pizza”.indexOf(“z”).

Output = 2, Datatype = int.

The Sleeping-Barber Problem:

A barbershop consists of a waiting room with n > 0 chairs and the barber room containing the barber chair.

If there are no customers to be served, then the barber sleeps.

If a customer enters the barbershop and all chairs are occupied, then the customer leaves the shop.

If the barber is busy but chairs are available, then the customer sits in one of the free chairs.

If the barber is asleep, then the customer wakes up the barber and the shaving process begins.

After they finish, the customer leaves and the barber start shaving another customer, if there are any in the waiting room. Otherwise he goes to sleep.




Following are the Semaphores:

Customers: Counts waiting customers;

Barbers: Number of idle barbers (0 or 1)

mutex: Used for mutual exclusion.

Cutting: Ensures that the barber won’t cut another customer’s hair before the previous customer leaves

Shared data variable:

count_cust: Counts waiting customers. ------------copy of customers. As value of semaphores can’t access directly.

// shared data

semaphore customers = 0; semaphore barbers = 0; semaphore cutting = 0; semaphore mutex = 1;

int count_cust= 0;

void barber() {

while(true) { //shop is always open

wait(customers); //sleep when there are no waiting customers

wait(mutex); //mutex for accessing customers1

count_cust= count_cust-1; //customer left






void customer() {

wait(mutex); //mutex for accessing count_cust

if (count_cust< n) {

count_cust= count_cust+1; //new customer

signal(customers); signal(mutex);

wait(barbers); //wait for available barbers get_haircut();


else { //do nothing (leave) when all chairs are used. signal(mutex);



cut_hair(){ waiting(cutting);



get hair cut for some time; signal(cutting);


Write an example method that overrides the operator to create a new book whose title is a concatenation of the titles of two books. For example, if the first book's title is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and the second book's title is "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the concatenated title will be "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Assume the book class is defined as: class Book { public Book(string title) { Title


next time m8 mmmmmdsaasd

Tech companies prepare for cyberattacks using common cybersecurity resources. Select one of the resources listed and explain how you could implement that particular policy to prevent an attack: 1. monitoring and assessment, 2. policies and controls, 3. hiring, 4. software, 5. firewalls, 6. authentication and access, 7. encryption.



Tech companies focus on making advancement in technology products and services. They are driven by innovations and the use of technology to make them standout from other companies.  They uses technology to render services.

Cyber attack is a deliberate attack on companies' computers or on an individual computer with the intention of stealing information, or other reasons without victim approval.

How policies on encryption could be implemented to prevent cyber attacks by:

Cyber security policies explain the guidelines on how organization staffs and end-users access online applications and internet resources without fear of security details being hacked.

1. Rules should be set on how to use email encryption: This rule should be easy to read. Emails should be encrypted to provide safety from cyber attacks. Contents should not be visible, should only be visible to those sending and receiving such emails.

2. Rules on encryption of sensitive messages and back up data.

3. rules on encryption of Log in details and passwords

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an effective error detection mechanism. Suppose you have data bits of 10010011011 and divisor is 10011. As per the given information, what is encoding bits at the sender side? Similarly, at the receiver end ensure syndrome value is zero. Follow all necessary steps to complete calculation at both ends.



I've asked the same question bro..if you get answer share with me too


how do you unblock websites on a school chromebook?​



use proxies, if you cant, then you cant unblock anything thats already blocked


You can't unblock anything on a school chromebook. So it's best to find website alternatives, things your school might use, like Giggl. It's a website with a built in web browser you can do almost anything, watch videos you can't on your school chromebook, netflix, hulu, vumoo, and even nasty sites... just don't go on those though. You can't play a lot of games and some sites are blocked as well. If you want people to send you videos that you can watch in a separate browser, i suggest using pad let. It is a app to post things like pictures or status' but people like me and my friends use it to talk to each other,  you can send gifs, voice recordings, and take pictures. I hope this helps you.

You are working on a documentation file userNotes.txt with some members of your software development team. Just before the file needs to be submitted, you manager tells you that a company standard requires that one blank space be left between the end-of-sentence period (.) and the start of the next sentence. (This rule does not affect sentences at the very end of a line.) For example, this is OK: Turn the knob. Push the "on" button. This is not: Turn the knob. Push the "on" button. Asking around among your team members, you discover that some of them have already typed their sentences in the approved manner, but others have inserted two or even more blanks between sentences. You need to fix this fast, and the first thing you want to do is to find out how bad the problem is. What command would you give to list all lines of userNotes.txt that contain sentence endings with two or more blanks before the start of the next sentence?


Answer: Provided in the explanation section


The question says :

You are working on a documentation file userNotes.txt with some members of your software development team. Just before the file needs to be submitted, you manager tells you that a company standard requires that one blank space be left between the end-of-sentence period (.) and the start of the next sentence. (This rule does not affect sentences at the very end of a line.) For example, this is OK: Turn the knob. Push the "on" button. This is not: Turn the knob. Push the "on" button. Asking around among your team members, you discover that some of them have already typed their sentences in the approved manner, but others have inserted two or even more blanks between sentences. You need to fix this fast, and the first thing you want to do is to find out how bad the problem is. What command would you give to list all lines of userNotes.txt that contain sentence endings with two or more blanks before the start of the next sentence?


Here, our fundamental aim is to look for the content which is having single space between different sentences. As it sentences finishing with . Going before with single and various spaces we have to channel and match just e the sentences which are finishing with ". "

For this we use order called "GREP" in Unix. "GREP " represents worldwide quest for standard articulation. This order is utilized inquiry and print the lines that are coordinating with determined string or an example. The example or indicated string that we have to look through we call it as customary articulation.

Syntax of GREP:


​​​​​​For our solution please follow the command

GREP "*\•\s$" userNotes.txt

Now it will display a all the lines having . Followed by single space.

what are business rules​



defines or constrains some aspect of business and always resolves to either true or false. It specifically involves terms, facts and rules


Jayden wants to take a current theme but just change a little bit of it. Complete the steps to help Jayden.

Go to the tab on the ribbon and the group.

Click Themes and select one.

Go into the workbook, make the changes, and return to the Themes gallery.

Select to save the changes.



C, A, and B.


3, 1, and 2


In that order

The first will be to adjust the workbook. then there should be a theme that needs to be selected. And then next is to Select the tab and the box of ribbon on which the theme needs to be presented.

Thus, options C, A, and B are correct.

What is a theme?

A theme is made up of window colors, music, and desktop backdrop images. A theme is a collection of window accent colors, noises, and desktop backdrop images. If you don't want to customize your computer cover image, window highlight colors, home screen widget, etc., you can use a theme.

Make the adjustments that are required in the workbook, then go back to the motif gallery.

Choose a theme by clicking Themes.

Go to the tab and box on the ribbon.

A theme often consists of a selection of forms and colors for the window design, the visual control components, and the window. Therefore, options C, A, and B are the correct options.

Learn more about the theme, here:


A computer needs both hardware and to be useful





software is the other major component to hardware

A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system. You have been asked to develop the new system. You are to write an application to assign seats on each flight of the airline’s only plane (capacity: 10 seats).
Your application should display the following alternatives: Please type 1 for First Class and Please type 2 for Economy.
If the user types 1, your application should assign a seat in the firstclass section (seats 1–5).
If the user types 2, your application should assign a seat in the economy section (seats 6–10).
Your application should then display a boarding pass indicating the person’s seat number and whether it is in the first-class or economy section of the plane.
Use a one-dimensional array of primitive type boolean to represent the seating chart of the plane. Initialize all the elements of the array to false to indicate that all the seats are empty. As each seat is assigned, set the corresponding elements of the array to true to indicate that the seat is no longer available.
Your application should never assign a seat that has already been assigned. When the economy section is full, your application should ask the person if it is acceptable to be placed in the first-class section (and vice versa). If yes, make the appropriate seat assignment. If no, display the message "Next flight leaves in 3 hours."



Here is the simple JAVA program.

import java.util.Scanner;   // to take input from user

public class AirlineReservationSystem {  //airline reservation class

 public static void main(String[] args) {  //start of main() function body

Scanner input=new Scanner(;   //Scanner class instance

int first_class=0;  //stores the first class seat numbers

int eco_class=5; //holds the economy class seat numbers

int quit;  //used to quit the reservation system  

System.out.println("Welcome to the AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM!");  // displays welcome message

do{   //start of do while loop  

//displays following messages for user to make choice between 2 sections

System.out.println("Please type 1 for First Class ");

System.out.println("Please type 2 for Economy ");

int choice=input.nextInt();  //takes the choice from user

switch(choice){ // takes choice of user from first class or economy section

 case 1:  //when user enters first class as choice


//increments count of first class by 1 every time user reserves a seat in first //class

if (first_class<=5){  // the seats in first class section should be between 1-5

//displays message of seat reserved in first class

  System.out.println("Your seat is assigned in First Class.");    

System.out.println("Your seat number is "+first_class);  

//assigns seat number in first class    }      


// displays following message when number of seats in first class exceed 5

System.out.println("No seat is available in First Class");

//asks user if he wants to placed in economy class when there is no seat //available in first class

System.out.println("Do you want to be placed at the Economy section?(1.yes\");

  int full=input.nextInt();  //reads yes or no (1 or 2) from user

    if (full==1){  //if user entered 1

  System.out.println("Enter 1 to return to main menu to reserve a seat in Economy class.");

    }  // asks user to press 1 to go to main menu

    else{  //displays following message if user enters 2

  System.out.println("Next flight leaves in 3 hours.");}   }


case 2:  //when the user choose to reserve seat in economy class


//increments count of first class by 1 every time user reserves a seat in //economy class

//the seats of economy class ranges from 6 to 10  

if ((eco_class>5)&&(eco_class<=10)){  

//display message about economy class seat reservation

System.out.println("Your seat is assigned in Economy Class.");

//assigns seat number in economy class    

  System.out.println("Your seat number is "+eco_class);  }  


// displays following message when number of seats in economy class //exceed 10

System.out.println("No seat is available in Economy Class");

//asks user if he wants to placed in first class when there is no seat //available in economy class

System.out.println("Do you want to be placed at the First class section?(1.yes\");  

  int full=input.nextInt(); //reads yes or no (1 or 2) from user

    if (full==1){ //if user entered 1

  System.out.println("Enter 1 to return to main menu to reserve a seat in business class.");  

// asks user to press 1 to go to main menu }

    else{  //displays following message if user enters 2

  System.out.println("Next flight leaves in 3 hours."); }} }

System.out.println("1.main menu\t2.quit");  


//if user presses 2 it reads that value from user and store it in quit variable

 }while (quit==1);  //the loop stops when user chooses quit

 System.out.println("Bye! Have a nice day!"); }  }  

//displays message when user quits the reservation system


The program is well explained in the comments mentioned with each line of the program. The program uses switch statement for the user to make choice between first and economy class. If the user selects first class, then his seat is reserved in first class and a seat number is generated to user. The range of first class seats is from 1 to 5. When this range is exceeded the  person is asked if he wants to be placed in economy class. If the user presses one then the person is asked to go back to main menu and reserve seat in economy class. If user enters 2 then the system exits. Same flow goes with the economy class seat reservation. The do while loop keeps executing until the user quits the system. If the user presses 2 to quit, the system exits after displaying bye message.

by applying styles formats are being applied ?
A. The same
B. Different
C. Various
D. Similar





The same formats are being applied.




Let's take the letters in a keyboard. If I were to type a document; there are several word format I can chose like Calibre, Times New Roman, Gothic etc. However for each word format I can make the words bold or italicized which are styles.

Click/press _______ to remove the most recently typed text.



ctrl Z


ctrl Z is the shortcut for undo it will reverse the last thing you did ctrl Y is redo if i accidently did ctrl Z i can do ctrl Y. Hope this helps!

Which statement most aptly defines the term networking?


Answer: We need more info.


3. (20 points) Write a C++ recursive function that finds the maximum value in an array (or vector) of integers without using any loops. (a) Test your function using different input arrays. Include the code. i. ii. (b) Write a recurrence relation that represents your algorithm. i. T(n) = T(n-1) + O(1) (c) Solve the recurrence relation and obtain the running time of the algorithm in Big-O notation.



Following are the code to this question:

In option (i):

#include <iostream>//defining header file

using namespace std;

int findMax(int B[], int x)//defining recursive method findMax


if (x == 1)//defining condition when value of n==1

return B[0];//return array first element

return max(B[x-1], findMax(B, x-1)); // calling recursive method inside max method and return value


int main() //defining main method  


int B[] = {12, 24, 55, 60, 50, 30, 29};//defining array B

int x= 7;//defining integer variable and assign a value

cout << "Maximum element value of the array is: "<<findMax(B, x)<<endl;//calling method findMax and print value

return 0;



Maximum element value of the array is: 60

In option (ii):

[tex]\Rightarrow \ T(n) = 1 + T(n-1)\\\Rightarrow 1 + 1 + T(n-2)\\ \Rightarrow 1 + 1 + 1 + ... n \ times \\\Rightarrow O(n) \\[/tex]


In the above-given program a recursive method "findMax" is defined, which accepts an array "B" and an integer variable "n" in its parameter, inside the method a conditional statement is used that, checks value of x equal to 1.

If the above condition is true it will return the first element of the array and find the max number. Inside the main method, an array B is declared that assigns some values and an integer variable is declared, that also assigns some values, in the last step print method is used that pass value in method and prints its return value. In the option (ii) we calculate the Big-O notation algorithm value.

Implement the method remove_all in the ArrayList class which takes the parameter x and removes all occurences of x from the list.

E.g., calling remove_all('a') on an ArrayList with contents ['a', 'b', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'r', 'a'] should result in the updated ArrayList ['b','r','c','d','b','r']



a = ['a', 'b', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'r', 'a']  

a = [x for x in a if x != 'a']



The code is written in python

a = ['a', 'b', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'r', 'a']  

a = [x for x in a if x != 'a']


a = ['a', 'b', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'r', 'a']  

I declared a variable a and stored the list of value.

a = [x for x in a if x != 'a']

I used list comprehension to loop through the array and find any value that is not 'a' .


I printed every value that is not 'a' in the array.

In this warm up project, you are asked to write a C++ program proj1.cpp that lets the user or the computer play a guessing game. The computer randomly picks a number in between 1 and 100, and then for each guess the user or computer makes, the computer informs the user whether the guess was too high or too low. The program should start a new guessing game when the correct number is selected to end this run (see the sample run below).

Check this example and see how to use functions srand(), time() and rand() to generate the random number by computer.

Example of generating and using random numbers:

#include // srand and rand functions
#include // time function
using namespace std;

int main()
const int C = 10;

int x;
srand(unsigned(time(NULL))); // set different seeds to make sure each run of this program will generate different random numbers
x = ( rand() % C);
cout << x << endl;
x = ( rand() % C ); // generate a random integer between 0 and C-1
cout << x << endl;
return 0;

Here is a sample run of the program:

Would you like to (p)lay or watch the (c)omputer play?


Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Sorry, your guess is too low, try again.

Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Sorry, your guess is too low, try again.

Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Sorry, your guess is too high, try again.

Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Sorry, your guess is too low, try again.

Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Sorry, your guess is too high, try again.

Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Sorry, your guess is too low, try again.

Enter your guess in between 1 and 100.


Congrats, you guessed the correct number, 69.

Would you like to (p)lay or watch the (c)omputer play or (q)uit?


The computer's guess is 50.

Sorry, your guess is too high, try again.

The computer's guess is 25.

Sorry, your guess is too high, try again.

The computer's guess is 13.

Sorry, your guess is too low, try again.

The computer's guess is 19.

Sorry, your guess is too high, try again.

The computer's guess is 16.

Sorry, your guess is too low, try again.

The computer's guess is 17.

Congrats, you guessed the correct number, 17.

Would you like to (p)lay or watch the (c)omputer play or (q)uit?


Press any key to continue


So far I was able to create the user input ortion of the program, I need help coding the computer generated guessing game,

if the users input choice of computer at the end or choice of play.. if you could help me build on what I have below greatly appreciate it!!! thank you

code I have got so far:


int main(void) {
srand(time(NULL)); // To not have the same numbers over and over again.

while(true) { // Main loop.
// Initialize and allocate.
int number = rand() % 99 + 2; // System number is stored in here.
int guess; // User guess is stored in here.
int tries = 0; // Number of tries is stored here.
char answer; // User answer to question is stored here.

//std::cout << number << "\n"; // Was used for debug...

while(true) { // Get user number loop.
// Get number.
std::cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 100 (" << 20 - tries << " tries left): ";
std::cin >> guess;

// Check is tries are taken up.
if(tries >= 20) {

// Check number.
if(guess > number) {
std::cout << "Too high! Try again.\n";
} else if(guess < number) {
std::cout << "Too low! Try again.\n";
} else {

// If not number, increment tries.

// Check for tries.
if(tries >= 20) {
std::cout << "You ran out of tries!\n\n";
} else {
// Or, user won.
std::cout<<"Congratulations!! " << std::endl;
std::cout<<"You got the right number in " << tries << " tries!\n";

while(true) { // Loop to ask user is he/she would like to play again.
// Get user response.
std::cout << "Would you like to play again (Y/N)? ";
std::cin >> answer;

// Check if proper response.
if(answer == 'n' || answer == 'N' || answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') {
} else {
std::cout << "Please enter \'Y\' or \'N\'...\n";

// Check user's input and run again or exit;
if(answer == 'n' || answer == 'N') {
std::cout << "Thank you for playing!";
} else {
std::cout << "\n\n\n";

// Safely exit.
std::cout << "\n\nEnter anything to exit. . . ";
return 0;



A C++ program was used for a user or the computer play a guessing game.


The C++ code to this question:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib> // srand and rand functions

#include <ctime> // time function

using namespace std;

int main()


const int C = 100;// constant integer with defined value 100

char type;// type of option chosen

cout<<"Would you like to (p)lay or watch the (c)omputer play?"<<endl;

cin>>type;// input of type

do{// for first iteration you can't choose q

int x;

srand(unsigned(time(NULL))); // set different seeds to make sure each run of this program will generate different random numbers

x = ( rand() % C);

x++;// random value between 1 and 100

int check=-1;// make initial check=-1

int ends=C;// for type selected as c, make the initial guess to be chosen from 1 to 100

int start=1;



if(type=='p')// if selected type is p


cout<<"Enter your guess in between 1 and 100."<<endl;



else if(type=='c')// if selected type is c


check=start+(rand()%(ends-(start-1)));//get a random number between updated start and ends for computer guessing

cout<<"The computer's guess is "<<(check)<<"."<<endl;


else// if type is not equal to c or p or q


cout<<"Invalid option chosen"<<endl;



if(check>x)// if the guess is greater


cout<<"Sorry, your guess is too high, try again."<<endl;

ends=check-1;// update ends in case type is c


else if(check<x)


cout<<"Sorry, your guess is too low, try again."<<endl;

start=check+1;// update start


else// if right number is selected


cout<<"Congrats, you guessed the correct number, "<<x<<"."<<endl;




cout<<"Would you like to (p)lay or watch the (c)omputer play or (q)uit?"<<endl;



return 0;


Note: Kindly find an attached copy of the screenshot of execution of code below

Write a program that first calls a function to calculate the square roots of all numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 and write them to a file named: roots.txt (See output on page 3) 2.) Write a program then calls a function to calculate the squares of all numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 and write them to a file named: squares.txt 3.) Here are the function prototypes: void writeRoots(); void writeSquares();



The csharp program to compute square roots of numbers and write to a file is as follows.

class Program  


static long max = 1000000;  

static void writeRoots()  


StreamWriter writer1 = new StreamWriter("roots.txt");  

double root;  

for (int n=1; n<=max; n++)  


root = Math.Sqrt(n);  




static void Main(string[] args)  





The program to compute squares of numbers and write to a file is as follows.

class Program  


static long max = 1000000;  

static void writeSquares()  


StreamWriter writer2 = new StreamWriter("squares.txt");  

long root;  

for (int n = 1; n <= max; n++)  


root = n*n;  




static void Main(string[] args)  






1. An integer variable, max, is declared to hold the maximum value to compute square root and square.

2. Inside writeRoots() method, an object of StreamWriter() class is created which takes the name of the file as parameter.

StreamWriter writer1 = new StreamWriter("roots.txt");

3. Inside a for loop, the square roots of numbers from 1 to the value of variable, max, is computed and written to the file, roots.txt.

4. Similarly, inside the method, writeSquares(), an object of StreamWriter() class is created which takes the name of the file as parameter.

StreamWriter writer2 = new StreamWriter("squares.txt");

5. Inside a for loop, the square of numbers from 1 to the value of the variables, max, is computed and written to the file, squares.txt.

6. Both the methods are declared static.

7. Inside main(), the method writeRoots() and writeSquares() are called in their respective programs.

8. Both the programs are written using csharp in visual studio. The program can be tested for any operation on the numbers.

9. If the file by the given name does not exists, StreamWriter creates a new file having the given name and then writes to the file using WriteLine() method.

10. The csharp language is purely object-oriented language and hence all the code is written inside a class.

Perform algorithm time measurement for all three quadratic sorting algorithms for Best Case (already sorted), Average Case (randomly generated), and Worst Case (inverse sorted) inputs and compare them with O(N*logN) sorting algorithm using Arrays.sort() method. Use arrays sizes of 50K, 100K, and 200K to produce timing results.



Experiment size : 50,000


Selection sort :


Worst case : 0.162

Average case : 0.116

Best case : 0.080

Insertion sort :


Worst case : 0.162

Average case : 0.116

Best case : 0.080

Bubble sort:


Worst case : 0.211

Average case : 0.154

Best case : 0.117

Experiment size : 100,000


Selection sort :


Worst case : 0.316

Average case : 0.317

Best case : 0.316

Insertion sort :


Worst case : 0.316

Average case : 0.317

Best case : 0.316

Bubble sort:


Worst case : 0.482

Average case: 0.487

Best case : 0.480.

Experiment size : 200,000


Selection sort :


Worst case : 1.254

Average case : 1.246

Best case : 1.259

Insertion sort :


Worst case : 1.254

Average case : 1.246

Best case : 1.259

Bubble sort:


Worst case : 1.990

Average case : 2.009.

Best case : 1.950


[NB: since it is very long there is the need for me to put it it a document form. Kindly check the doc. Files. The file A is the sort Analysis.Java file and the file B is the sort.Java file].

The concept of algorithm time measurement strictly depends on the following;

=> The measurement of time, space or energy on different sizes.

=> Plotting of the measurements and characterizing them.

=> Running or implementation of the algorithm.

Programming language such as Java can be used in accessing the operating system clock and Java had two static methods.


What does this button mean in the computer ????????



Context menu


If you want to open a context menu this is the one

Alternative is Shift+F10 in most applications to open a context menu. It's basically the same thing as the menu key


Context Menu


this button mean in the computer

Case 4-1 Santo is creating a company newsletter for his architectural firm. He has solicited contributions from his colleagues on their current projects, and several people have provided photos of homes and businesses they are currently remodeling. Santo is about to begin compiling all the information using desktop publishing in Microsoft Word. Santo wants to use most of the graphics his colleagues asked to display with their articles, but his file size has become unmanageable with so many sketches and photos. Santo might be able to reduce his document file size without leaving out content by _______.



Saving all graphics as JPEG files


A JPEG file can be defined as the way in which images ,graphics or photos are been stored after the compression of the images has occured because compression of images help to reduce the quality of the image thereby creating more available space.

Since Santo file size has become unmanageable with so many sketches and photos the best alternative for him is to Save all the graphics as JPEG files which will enable him to have extra space because JPEG files will enable the compression of those images by reducing the quality of the image without leaving out any content.

productivity is the combination of



Productivity is the combination of efficiency and effectiveness.


"What router feature provides basic security by mapping internal private IP addresses to public external IP addresses, essentially hiding the internal infrastructure from unauthorized personnel



i think phone

hope this helps u stay safe


NAT preserves and safeguards IP addresses that have been lawfully registered. Translation of network addresses with security. NAT enables users to browse the internet more discreetly and securely by hiding the device's IP address from the wireless site even when sending and receiving traffic.

What is NAT outer feature provides basic security?

NAT can also offer security and confidentiality. NAT shields the private device from outside access by transferring data packets from public to private addresses. Unwanted data has a harder time slipping through the cracks, since the router organizes the data to make sure everything gets to where it should.

Therefore, NAT outer feature provides basic security by mapping internal private IP addresses to public external IP addresses, essentially hiding the internal infrastructure from unauthorized personnel.

Learn more about router here:


3. In a 32-bit CPU, the largest integer that we can store is 2147483647. Verify this with a
pseudocode and explain your logic.​



No, it can't be verified with a pseudocode.


We can not verify this with a pseudocode because the largest integer that we can store in 32-bit integer goes by the formula 2^32 - 1 = 4, 294, 967,295 and this means that it has 32 ones. Or it may be 2^31 - 1 = 2, 147, 483,647 which is a two complement signed integer.

Despite the fact that it can not be verified by using pseudocode, we can do the Verification by writting programs Through some programming language or in plain English code.

In a 32-bit CPU, the largest integer that we can store is 2147483647 because we can store integer as 2^31 and - (2^31 + 1).

a one-two paragraph summary on the Running Queries and Reports tutorials. Apply critical thinking and an academic writing style that demonstrates your understanding of the difference between a Microsoft Access database and an Excel spreadsheet by comparing the features of each and when they would be used as personal computer applications if applicable.



Both perform almost the same function of storing data, performing numerical calculations, formating cells, and to generate reports.

However, when dealing with data that is short term (requiring less updating) Microsoft Excel is recommended as it provides easy spreadsheet functions. Access on the other hand is a more complex application for data analysis involving constantly changing data values that are long term based. Access allows for efficient data analysis using complex tools such as import module, automated queries etc.

Write a program that calculates and displays a person’s body mass index (BMI). The BMI is often used to determine whether a person with a sedentary lifestyle is overweight or underweight for his or her height. A person’s BMI is calculated with the following formula:

BMI = weight x 703 / height2

where weight is measured in pounds and heightis measured in inches. The program should ask the user to enterhis/her weight and height. The program should display a message indicating whether the person has optimal weight, is underweight, or is overweight. A sedentary person’s weight is considered optimal if his or her BMI is between18.5 and 25. If the BMI is less than 18.5, the person is considered underweight. If the BMI valueis greater than 25, the person is considered overweight



This program is written using C++

Comments are used to explain difficult lines

Program starts here


using namespace std;

int main()


//Declare variables

float BMI, Height,Weight;

// Prompt user for inputs

cout<<"Ener Height (in inches): ";


cout<<"Enter Weight (in pounds): ";


//Calculate BMI

BMI = (Weight * 703)/(Height * Height);

cout<<"Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is "<<BMI<<endl;

//Test and print whether user is underweight, overweight or optimal



 cout<<"You have an optimal weight";


else if(BMI<18.5)


 cout<<"You are underweight";


else if(BMI>25)


 cout<<"You are overweight";


return 0;



See attachment for .cpp source file

a. Create a console-based application named Desks that computes the price of a desk and whose Main() method calls the following methods:
• A method to accept the number of drawers in the desk as input from the keyboard. This method returns the number of drawers to the Main() method.
• A method to accept as input and return the type of wood—‘m’ for mahogany, ‘o’ for oak, or ‘p’ for pine.
• A method that accepts the number of drawers and wood type, and calculates the cost of the desk based on the following:
• Pine desks are $100.
• Oak desks are $140.
• All other woods are $180.
• A $30 surcharge is added for each drawer.
• This method returns the cost to the Main() method.
• A method to display all the details and the final price.
b. Create a GUI application named DesksGUI that accepts desk order data from TextBox





using System;

using System.Linq;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Test{

public static int no_drawer(){

Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of drawers : ");

return Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());


public static char wood_type(){

Console.WriteLine("Enter the type of woods('m' for mahogany, 'o' for oak, or 'p' for pine) : ");

return Console.ReadLine()[0];


public static double final_cost(int d,char ch){

double cost = 0.0;

if (ch == 'p') cost += d*100;

else if (ch == 'o') cost += d*140;

else cost += d*180;

cost += d*30;

return cost;


public static void display(int d,char ch,double p){

Console.WriteLine("Number of drawers : "+d);

if (ch == 'p')

Console.WriteLine("Type of Wood Chosen : pine");

else if (ch == '0')

Console.WriteLine("Type of Wood Chosen : oak");

else if (ch == 'm')

Console.WriteLine("Type of Wood Chosen : mahogany");


Console.WriteLine("Type of Wood Chosen : other");

Console.WriteLine("Total Cost is : "+p);


public static void Main(){

int drawers = no_drawer();

char ch_wood = wood_type();

double res = final_cost(drawers,ch_wood);

display(drawers, ch_wood,res);



cheers i hope this helped !!!

Other Questions
Part of the sociological imagination, _____________________________ refers to which human traits/characteristics a society encourages and which it discourages or represses (i.e. what it means to be an "ideal" man or woman or a "good citizen" in that society.) Meal can be considered symmetric and mound-shaped with mean 1075 calories and standard deviation 302 calories. Use the 68-95-99.7 rule to answer the following questions. NOTE. This web site 68-95-99.7 rule graphically depicts the 68-95-99.7 rule and may help with the following questions. a. What is the approximate percentage of the Chipotle meals that have more than 471 calories The angle \theta_1 1 theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript is located in Quadrant \text{II}IIstart text, I, I, end text, and \cos(\theta_1)=-\dfrac{12}{19}cos( 1 )= 1912 cosine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis, equals, minus, start fraction, 12, divided by, 19, end fraction .What is the value of \sin(\theta_1)sin( 1 )sine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis? Lobachevsky's Negation created spherical geometry.O A. TrueO B. False triangle ABC a = 4 and m angle C=30 If the area of the triangle is 6 what is the length of side b PLZ HELP! WILL GIVE BRAINIEST!! Please help me understand this!! 0.76 g of lead(2) nitrate was dissolvedin 50.00ml of water a d treated with 25.00 ml of 0.2010M sodium sulfate inoder to determine a content of lead 2 ion. A white precipitate was formed and it was collected and dried. Calculate the amount of precipitate formed in this reaction Easy points for yall mathy people, fairly easy question. Its in the photo!! Please answer correctly !!!!!!!!! Will mark brianliest !!!!!!!!!!!! 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the Word Bank below. How did Prince Henry the Navigator and Amerigo Vespucci inspire the spirit of adventure? Please answer A concrete driveway is 5 feet longer than twice its width. It has a brick walkway 3 feet wide on the front and side of the driveway. The area of the brick walkway is 213square feet. Find the dimensions of the driveway. An insurer wishes to compare the information given in an insurance application with previous insurance applications by the same applicant but for different companies. What organization can help the insurer accomplish this? Carole ordered 4 dresses for $80 each, a $25 sweater, and a coat. The cost of the items without sales tax was $430. What was the cost of the coat? The war in lraq cost the United States about? which letter best shows the location of 9/7?A: AB: BC: CD: Dill give brainliest and 10 points answer fasttttt Originally the dimensions of a rectangle were 20cm by 23cm. When both dimensions were decreased by the same amount, the area of the rectangle decreases by 120. Find the dimensions of the rectangle. Will give BRAINLIEST How did the universe begin? The BLANK is an international organization that does research and creates policy on disease prevention, including BLANK strategies. First person to answer right gets Brainliest and 5 points!