An action verb tells what action a subject is performing. A verb phrase is a main verb plus one or more helping verbs. Write the verb or verb phrase on a google document.
1. Suddenly you notice a creature nearby.
2. It is wearing a coat of armor.
3. At the ends of long stalks, it has eyes.
4. It is moving two big claws.
5. Crabs can use those claws in many ways.
6. They can even lift objects with them.
7. Unfortunately, they will also pinch people's feet.
8. They can grow new claws after a fight.
9. An injured crab may produce a whole new leg or a complete outer shell.
10. Mole crabs have tiny bodies.
11. Like real moles, these crabs have flat, paddlelike feet.
12. Mole crabs dig deep holes in the sand.
13. They will bury themselves completely except for their eyes.
14. Pea crabs reach only the size of garden peas.
15. They can make their homes inside the shells of oysters or clams.
Answer 1
1. notice 2. wearing 3. has 4. moving 5. use 6. lift 7. pinch 8. grow 9. produce 10. have 11. have 12. dig 13. bury 14. reach 15. make LOL i remember doing this