02 - O Renascimento cultural e artístico europeu do século XVI foi um processo lento e prolongado de transformações que remontam ao período final da Idade Média, principalmente a partir do século XI. A partir dos seus conhecimentos referentes ao período, responda: a) Quais os principais aspectos valorizados pelos artistas renascentistas em suas obras e em quais locais da Europa esta produção artística foi mais valorizada?
Humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, and classicism.
Humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, and classicism are the main aspects valued by Renaissance artists in their works. These aspects can be seen in the paintings and arts of the people where Renaissance occurs. Italy and France are the places in Europe where this artistic production was most valued because these places have high trend of expressing their ideas through painting.
Where do critics turn to find out more about a work after they have examined it using the art criticism operations?
Answer: External Clues
External Clues are the facts and information about the piece of art and the artist, including the name, time and place of creation, and the artistic style it represents. This information can be found on historical sources as well as on other critics' work, and even though it´s likely to be partly already known by the critic should only be considered after an examination. Furthermore, during an examination, only Internal Clues, those found in the work itself, should be considered. Ignoring external clues is necessary to ensure the critic develops an unbiased analysis, and ignore them requires a conscious effort.