Brain check
Use your brain answer my question.
1.What is as big as you are and yet doesn't weigh anything?
2.You can hold it without using your hands and arms.What is it?
3.Who travels around the world but stays in one spot?
4.What can run but never walks ,has a mouth but never talks ,has a head but never weeps ,and has a bed but never sleeps?
5.What is in the middle of CHINA?
6.What starts with T ,ends with a T ,and has tea in it?
7.Who has hands but cannot clap?
8.What becomes white when it is dirty?
9.Which month has 28 days?
10.Where do fish keep there money?
All the answers are easy if you use your mind .
Let's check whose mind is sharp.
Step 1: Figure out the riddle
1.) Your shadow, it's as big as you are but doesn't weigh anything.
2.) Your breath, you can hold it without using your hands and arms.
3.) A stamp, it travels the world but stays on the mail that it was stamped on.
4.) A river, it's all of those things.
5.) The letter 'I', because it's in the middle of the word.
6.) A Teapot, it starts with a 't' and ends with a 't' and has tea in it.
7.) A Clock, it has two hands but it cannot clap.
8.) A Blackboard, it gets more white the more you draw on it, it gets dirty.
9.) February, it is the only month that has 28 days.
10.) Riverbank, get it :D a riverbank lol
I had a harder time spelling February then answering these riddle. Thanks!